Chapter 2: Getting Situated

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Rimuru's Pov

After Veldora and I were left alone in the alleyway I started thinking of what to do next, Veldora was just silently thinking, probably about his older brother I guess.

We definitely stand out with our clothing but thankfully I have casual clothes that look pretty normal, on the other hand Veldora stands out like a sore thumb. Our first priority will be getting money and a place to stay.

After a little bit of thought I decided to go with a similar strategy to what I did before I met Akame, look for criminals and steal their money. I decided that I will only kill the people if they are in the process of committing murder, rape , or human trafficking though, in this world there is a much more reliable justice system that I can leave other criminals to. Not to mention in the other world pretty much every criminal seemed to be a murderer and rapist, but on earth which is similar to this planet there are tons of criminals that do not do that kind of super serious stuff.

Since by now it was late at night I left Veldora to in an alley and tried to get him to practice suppressing his aura so he is not so obvious, meanwhile I took of my jacket and put my hair up in a pony tail to try to look more vulnerable. After that I took off my mask and started walking around the late-night streets looking for trouble, someone quickly took the bait.

Humanity will never cease to amaze me with how scummy some of them can be while others are so good, at least now I am somewhat thankful for their depravity though.

Another reason why I decided to go after criminals is that they would have cash, at least in my world most people just carried around a credit or debit card and had little to no cash, since criminals do not want to leave a paper trail they would be well advised to deal in cash though.

After a little while longer I went down and alley and as soon as my pursuer followed I got behind them and knocked them out, easy 10,000 yen. This is nowhere near enough for my needs though, I decided that getting chump change like this would be too slow of a strategy, I want to make more money faster.

Raphael can you find me some criminal hideout or somewhere a big illegal deal is going on?

<Searching through data provided by [Universal Perception] to find somewhere that meets that criteria........ complete...... go two streets down and take a right, the second house on the right is a house to store drugs and payments before they are delivered to the gang that owns it. There are currently two people inside, use paralysis gas Y/N?>

When I got to the door of the building Raphael told me about I ate the door and stuck my hand out.


At that moment a greenish gas came out of my hand and after a few seconds I heard two bodies hit the floor. As I walked around the house I found feel Veldora's fluctuating presence, it was like he could not get it right, sometimes it even rose above normal levels.

Trying to be as quick as possible I walked into all the rooms and ate everything inside, I ended up eating some computers and a bunch of drugs as well, if the opportunity presents itself maybe I could sell off the drugs too. The cash I was able to get was more than I was anticipating though, I got roughly 140,000,000 yen (about 1.2 million USD), this should be plenty for now.

As I made my way back to Veldora I could feel another presence near him, it was much weaker but they seemed to be having an argument, when I got closer I could hear them.

"How dare you tell the might Storm Dragon Veldora what to do? Beg for forgiveness and I will consider sparing you."

"I don't know who the fuck that is, get out of my alley you overgrown gecko, or ill have to merc ya."

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