𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞

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𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐨𝐰𝐧, 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐧, 𝟏𝟗𝟐𝟗

JULIA LOUISE SOLOMONS entered the world in what one would describe as typical Shelby fashion - her tiny legs kicking the air, as she wailed her lungs out. Nobody could seem to stop the desperate cries emitting from the small human, even as nurse Maggie cleaned her up and wrapped her in a delicate blanket - placing her in the awaiting arms of her mother. 

Evelyn could only let out a sigh of relief, finally being able to hold her child for the first time - Julia's cries soothing the moment she's cradled into her mothers chest.  Aunt Polly's voice was the first to fill the silence as she brushed Evelyn's matted hair away from her eyes. 

"You did it," the older woman brightly smiled at her niece. "Welcome to motherhood."

Evelyn's eyes didn't leave the little frame in her arms, even as the doors to the birthing room swung open with a bang, making Julia begin her wailing again. 

"Oh, fuckin' 'ell," came the familiar gruff voice of her husband. 

Evelyn rolled her eyes, "watch your language in front of our daughter, Alfred."

The bed dipped as Alfie took a seat on the edge, finally taking a look at the bundle of joy in Eve's arms. He couldn't help the tears that began to cloud his eyes, slowly trailing down his cheeks as his little girl stopped her own cries and stared at him with curiosity. 

"She's-" he stuttered over his words, barely being able to express how he felt in this perfect moment. "She's ours."

"Do you want to hold her?" Evelyn questioned, watching as Alfie could only nod. Evelyn gently placed the baby into Alfie's arms, as she peered up at him. 

"She's got your eyes," he chuckled, before shaking his head gently. "Bloody 'ell, that means she's got your brothers eyes too, eh?"

The sentiment pulled a genuine laugh from Evelyn, the woman resting her head against Alfie's shoulders as her eyes began to shut from exhaustion. However, before she could completely drift off, her aunts voice once again sounded throughout the room. 

"Speaking of the devil, the entire family is in your living room waiting to meet her."

Humming as a response, Evelyn shifted down the bed so her head could rest on a pillow, ushering Alfie up with her hand. "Go. Introduce her to the Shelby chaos, Pol will take care of me."


CHAOS AS EVELYN had described it, would not be the word that Alfie would use. In fact, the only word he would use was pandemonium

As soon as he entered the room, all eyes locked onto the figure in his arms, and people were immediately by his side trying to get a glimpse of his perfect angel. He rolled his eyes when he noticed that the only one who hadn't stood up was Thomas. 

"Everyone," he smiled, looking at Evelyn's family. It appeared that everyone was here, even Esme who he hadn't seen since John's passing, had brought along his seven children. "Meet Julia Solomons."

Everyone took turns holding Julia, spending time gushing about how she looks just like her mother, and that they could tell she was going to be an absolute trouble maker. Alfie let them hug and congratulate him while he stood and watched his daughter, even though his body was begging for him to sit down again. 

Finally, his little girl was placed back in his arms, and he turned to the one person who hadn't yet held her. Gesturing with his head for Tommy to stand up - Tommy obliged, stubbing out his cigarette before walking over to Alfie with his arms open.

"Julia," Tommy hummed. "She's already got that crazed look in her eyes. The same one Eve had when she was born, you remember that Arthur?"

The eldest Shelby laughed, nodding his head in agreement. "Eve had the very same disgusted face that Julia's pullin' when Tommy held her as well."

For the first time in a long time, Alfie watched as the one and only Thomas Shelby laughed. He knew that even though they had their differences, Thomas would take care of his kin like she was his own - she was well protected by his wife's family.

"Tommy, mate," Alfie interrupted, placing his hand on Thomas' shoulder. "Follow me, eh. I need to talk to yer'." 

Ada didn't waste a moment and swooped Julia out of her brothers arms, as both gangsters left the room. Alfie and Tommy walked in silence until they reached the garden in the backyard, Alfie taking a seat on the bench he had built for when Evelyn started growing her own vegetables and he would sit outside and watch her do her thing.

He shifted and motioned with his arm for Tommy to take a seat next to him. Tommy remained standing, lighting another cigarette.

"What's this about?" Tommy questioned, letting the smoke from his mouth fill the air.

Alfie swallowed thickly, before biting the bullet. "Right, yeah, mate listen alright? My cancer, yeah, my cancer has gotten fuckin' worse hasn't it? Can barely move without some fuckin' part of my body beggin' for me to stop."

Sighing, Alfie ran a hand down his face, not even glancing up at Tommy to see his reaction - instead he looked ahead at the trees that surrounded them.

"I ain't got long left, yeah mate, I can feel it. Death fuckin' follows me around all day like a shadow, waitin' for the perfect moment to take the poor ol' unexpecting Jew from Earth to whatever fuckin' afterlife is waiting for me."

Tommy remained silent as he eventually took a seat next to Alfie. He didn't know what to say that would comfort the man beside him. He finally noticed how sickly Alfie looked, his skin was pale but still had rashes of harsh red, his hands shook as he held the wood of the bench - he knew none of his words would help a man like Alfie Solomons in a time like this, but he still tried.

"You have a daughter now, Alfie. You're a father. That little girl isn't going to grow up without you by her side. We'll keep getting you treatment, you and I both know damn well that Evelyn isn't going to let you go that easy, especially not now."

"She doesn't have a choice," Alfie weakly smiled. "Nobody can stop this, can they, eh? That treatment, yeah, the one where they pump my fuckin' blood full of chemicals and other substances that I couldn't even name, right, that is what's killing me."

Silence filled the air, like the thick smoke coming from Tommy's cigarette that was still burning between his fingers. Both men knew the reality of the situation before them, but neither knew how to deal with it. They had faced enemies that made them not afraid of death, yet when he was almost at the doorstep of one of them - it was hard not to be petrified. 

"I'll look after them," Tommy knew what Alfie was ultimately asking between his mess of words. "You don't have to worry about a thing. Your girls are safe. Julia is a Solomons, but she, just like Eve, has Shelby blood - and we Shelby's protect our family. They're safe."

Alfie knew he didn't need to verbally thank Tommy, but still, he pulled the man into his arms for a hug. One that neither would ever tell anyone else about, but they still appreciated it. 

They're safe, repeating in Alfie's head. 

𝐞𝐠𝐨 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤 · 𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐢𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now