𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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EVELYN'S HANDS SHOOK as she opened the door to her shared home with Alfie in London – pausing in the doorway as she tried to steady her racing heart. The last time she had been there was when the Franks followed her home and cornered her in the kitchen, which was still something she was actively trying to move past.

"You sure you took everything you need?" Evelyn heard the voice of her aunt behind her, the woman lugging a full suitcase in her hands as she made her way to her niece.

"Yeah, Pol. I got everything."

Evelyn quickly placed the suitcase in her own hands onto the ground near the front door before taking the one from Polly's hands. When she had returned back to the flat on Watery Lane after attending the gala with Richard; Evelyn told her family that she would be returning to London with Alfie.

Nobody put up a fuss, knowing that having some time away from the family to rekindle her relationship with Alfie was what she needed. Instead, they all helped her pack her belongings until her room was practically bare. Polly had accompanied Evelyn back to London, so her niece didn't make the move alone. 

"You okay?" Polly pulled Evelyn's attention back to her when the woman hadn't moved from her spot in the door. Evelyn was quick to brush aside her aunts worry, shutting the door before entering the parlour. 

"I never really moved in here," Evelyn admitted, taking a seat on the couch. "Like I lived here and called it home, but none of my belongings were ever here besides my clothes that I took with me after renting out the house that Tommy bought me."

The sound of the front door re-opening and a walking-stick tapping against the ground had Polly pausing before she spoke, both women turning to watch Alfie round the corner.

"Yer' here," he smiled, causing Evelyn to lightly chuckle. It was as if he didn't expect her to actually come.

"I'm here."

Walking over to Evelyn, Alfie pressed a kiss to her temple before nodding towards Polly. The pair hadn't spoken since that day at Evelyn's fake grave, and although he knew that Polly would never like him – he still owed a lot to her. After all, she was the reason that he found it in his heart to begin to move past what Evelyn had done.

"Polly, it's nice to see yer' again," Alfie politely greeted the older woman who gave him a half-smile as she pulled her niece into a tight hug.

"I'm going to take my leave, get back before the sun goes down," Polly told Evelyn as she withdrew from the embrace. "I'll have a look for those heels you couldn't find and have Tommy send them to you. Stay safe."

Following Polly to the front door, Evelyn saw her aunt out – the older woman turning to send a firm glare towards Alfie making him promise to keep Evelyn safe, which he did without hesitation. She waited until Polly was safely in the car they had arrived in – waving until it was out of sight before she shut the door and turned around to face Alfie who was watching her in amusement.

"So," he trailed off.

Evelyn mimicked him with a soft giggle, "so?"

"Welcome home."

Walking over to Alfie, Evelyn wrapped her arms around his neck as his instinctively found their place around her waist, tugging her closer to him.

"This place holds a lot of memories; good and bad," Evelyn sighed. "Let's just start fresh? Make new memories."

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea, doesn't it Cyril?" Alfie nodded towards the dog who was peaking around the corner of the wall. 

Evelyn let out a loud laugh at the sight, pulling away from Alfie to rush over to the dog who let out a bark of happiness when she got on the floor to pat him.

𝐞𝐠𝐨 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤 · 𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐢𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now