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THE RUMBLE OF a car engine woke Evelyn, the booming call of her name from Arthur causing her to exit her bedroom and enter the living room. There stood her family, Tommy leaning against the wall in the hallway near the front door as he watched his sister look around the room before her attention landed on him.

"Mr. Solomons has arrived," he grunted out while opening the front door, gesturing for Evelyn to leave the house first.

Evelyn didn't speak as she walked out onto the street of Watery Lane, the gravel scratching the soles of her shoes. The sound of Alfie's enthusiastic voice echoing throughout the area caused Evelyn to chuckle lightly when she turned in his direction to see a disgruntled appearance on his face.

"Fuckin' 'ell!" The man cursed, hitting the bottom of his walking stick on the ground. "Smells like fuckin' pig 'round here, innit?"

Evelyn found herself holding her laughter as she watched her boyfriend complain to the bearded man who had tagged along on his journey; the gangsters hands flying out around him as if to prove his point. Sensing that someone was staring at him, Alfie's head turned in Evelyn's direction; a beaming smile gracing his face when he saw the girl.

Walking towards her, he continued with his dramatics. "Come to Small Heath! You will go to hell for fuckin' breathing!"

"I told you that you'd hate it, Mr. Solomons," Evelyn teased, forgetting that her older brother was behind her watching the exchange. 

"I don't understand how a doll like you grew up here, fuckin' tragic that is."

"I think I turned out alright," Evelyn shrugged, Alfie quick to agree with her before turning his attention to Tommy who was adjusting his glasses in annoyance.

"Tommy, long time no see!" The buff man joked, resting one of his hands in his coat pocket. "Can't believe, right, that you made me fuckin' come all the way out here to have a fuckin' meeting. Can you believe that, love?" Alfie asked Evelyn who shrugged in response before looking at her brother.

"No, I can not believe it, Mr. Solomons," Evelyn raised a brow towards Tommy. "He was already in London; could have just done it there."

Shaking his head, Tommy gestured for the pair to come inside. "I wanted to inform everyone at the same time."

Following a grouchy Tommy into the house, Evelyn took Alfie's coat and hung it on the hooks on the wall before motioning for him to enter the betting shop; her family having moved themselves in there as they awaited the meeting.

"Well if it isn't more fuckin' Shelby's," Alfie mocked, Evelyn only then noticing that John had brought along Esme and the kids who were playing in the corner of the room with Charlie. Polly seeming to have arrived as well. "There seems to another one of yer' every time I fuckin' blink."

"Alf," Evelyn whispered, elbowing him in the side of his torso; trying to hide a laugh. 

"Right!" Tommy began, his eyes never once leaving the figures of both Alfie and Evelyn. "Now that we have everyone here, we can fucking begin. I've called a family meeting so we can talk about the deal I made with the Russians."

"I'm flattered-" Alfie began, before Evelyn shot him a look to tell him to shut up – the entire family watching their exchange, Tommy choosing to ignore it and continue his speech. 

"We're going to pull off a heist. Mr. Solomons is going to accompany me to choose jewels as an appraiser, with his expertise we will only obtain those of a high value. They plan to stiff us on the bill, so we are going to break into their vault." 

"We're robbing 'em?" John pipped up while Esme came to rest her hand on his shoulder. Tommy rubbed his bottom lip before speaking.

"I have a seperate job for you and Arthur. I need you two to come along with me when I visit them. Evelyn, I want you and Finn to stay by the train station; an explosion has been prepared and I want you to make sure it's seen through."

𝐞𝐠𝐨 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤 · 𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐢𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now