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EVELYN'S BLACK HEELS clicked against the gravel beneath her feet - face showing nothing but sheer determination as she pushed past workers. She was focused, fire burning through every inch of her body as she stormed into the distillery.

Ollie's eyes caught sight of the Shelby girl, his usual smile dropping off his face as he went to greet her but was met with her palm being held up to silence him. Evelyn's eyes casted a glance around the room, intent on finding the recognisable Jew.

"Where's Alfie?" Evelyn spluttered, barely looking at Ollie who was holding a confused expression.

"In his office, Miss-"

Before the boy could say anything else, Evelyn had practically sprinted to the door of Alfie's office before she could second guess herself and her intentions.

After walking around the markets for another hour with Matya, the woman could tell that Evelyn's mind couldn't stop thinking about Alfie and she was quick to encourage her to go visit the man and give him a piece of her mind – making Evelyn promise to visit the pub later and tell her how it went. Which led to Evelyn's current predicament. 

The continuous knocking against Alfie's door had him frustrated, curses of "fuckin' 'ell" continuing to spill from his lips as he harshly pulled it open. Evelyn stood with her hand raised, the girl almost punching the irritated man in the face. Her face was screwed up, bottom lip taken between her teeth and cheeks flushed from her rush.

"Eve," Alfie took a few steps back to avoid being hit. "Tryin' to break my fuckin' nose or somethin'?"

"No, sit down and shut up!" Evelyn rushed, entering Alfie's office – him muttering a sarcastic 'come on in, love.'

As soon as the door was shut, Alfie made his way around his desk and took a seat in his usual chair like Evelyn had instructed; a bewildered expression on his face as he watched her pace the floor in front of him.

Alfie watched the girl for a few moments as she ran a hand through her knotted hair; jaw clenched as she pinched the bridge of her nose, just as he had seen her brother do a multitude of times.

"You," Evelyn began, turning to point at the man before dropping her hand and shaking her head.

"I what?" Alfie questioned, pulling out a bottle of rum. "Right love, why don't you sit down before yer' fuckin' collapse, yeah? Here have a fuckin' drink."

With a heavy sigh, Evelyn sat down; quickly taking the glass Alfie had poured her. Her mind was racing with a thousand thoughts wanting nothing more than to say them all to the man seated in front of her; but her mouth could barely form a single word.

After a beat of silence, Alfie took it upon himself to try to help proceed the conversation as Evelyn took out a pack of cigarettes from her coat pocket. "Talk to me, yeah. Obviously somethin' is fuckin' botherin' yer.' That's why yer' relying on cigarettes and my fuckin' rum to calm yer' nerves."

Evelyn took a moment to compose herself before finally meeting Alfie's eyes, her heart skipping a beat at the obvious concern he had for her. "I honestly don't know why I'm here. Matya convinced me to come and talk to you about my feelings and now I've made a fool of myself."

"No such thing has been done," Alfie waved a hand to dismiss her thoughts. "Talk to me, yeah?"

"You ignored me!"


"After our kiss!" Evelyn cut Alfie off, letting her unlit cigarette fall to her lap as she raised her hands out towards him. "You took me fuckin' home and then just ignored me! I was going to ask if you wanted to come inside but you just nodded and walked away and then you didn't talk to me for two weeks! Every time I called or showed up to the distillery Ollie said you were in a meeting – even though I could hear you yelling at your men!"

"Eve, I promise on me fuckin' life that wasn't my intention-" Evelyn cut him off again, trying to get everything off her chest.

"If you regret the kiss, tell me! If it's because of my family, tell me!"

It was Alfie's turn to interrupt her. "Evelyn, let me fuckin' talk, yeah?"

Evelyn exhaled, taking a sip of the rum in front of her before nodding for Alfie to begin; nervously biting her nails. She had for sure fucked everything up for good by barging into his office like she had done.

"I don't fuckin' regret kissing yer' – couldn't even if I tried," he spoke, truth laced in his words, rubbing his forehead. "Look, I told yer' when we went dancin' that I'm not good at this shit, yeah. I don't know how to express my fuckin' feelings, but it's not jus' that innit? If yer' brothers found out that I kissed yer', right, if they fuckin' found out; they'd shoot me dead without blinkin.'"

"So you don't want to start something with me because you're scared of my brothers reactions?" Evelyns voice was compassionate, her passion still remained but it wasn't in the form of frenzy. "I already told you-"

"That they don't have to know, yeah I fuckin' remember, love. But, I fuckin' refuse to be in a secret relationship. If we have to hide it, it's not fuckin' real innit?"

"If we have to keep it a secret from people, it doesn't make it any less real," Evelyn swallowed harshly, nervously picking at the loose hem on the edge of her coat. "How about we just start with you telling me how you feel about me," she bargained.

"Fuck I - all I fucking know, yeah love, is that I find myself forcing my fuckin' mind to stop thinkin' about you. Have had to do that since the day I met yer' at Tommy's fuckin' gala and then yer' show up in London, Tommy sayin' that you're now head of business here and I fu- I fuckin' had no idea what to do, yeah?"

"You're scared, Alfie," Evelyn smiled, standing up and slowly walking over to his side of the desk; propping herself up on the surface in front of him so he was slightly looking up to see her face. The timid Shelby reached down to pick up his hands that were clasped together in his lap. "It's okay, I'm fucking scared too. I'm scared of Tommy ever finding out, he'd probably lock me up in my room forever."

"Like Rupunzel," he snickered, a small grin finally breaking out on his face causing Evelyn to mirror his expression. "Then you'd really be the fucking Shelby's princess."

"Shut up," the flustered girl giggled, Alfie placing his hands on her thighs as he stood up to rest his forehead on hers, before he began to whisper to her.

"If we do this, yeah? If we fuckin' get together, it's not goin' to be easy. We're goin' to have to work at it and I don't want us to be a fuckin' secret, right. If people see, they see. If yer' brother hears about it, then he hears about it, alright?"

"No hiding," Evelyn nodded, agreeing with Alfie's terms. "So you want me?"

"I do. I fuckin' want yer' and I want whatever this fuckin' is."

Alfie had never been in love; then again he had never met a girl as able to render him speechless like Evelyn had done every time he saw her and Evelyn had never been able to show interest in a man; every male in Birmingham avoiding her due to her brothers. But if they were going to experience a relationship, they needed to trust each other – and they were more than willing to do just that.

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