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ALFIE SOLOMONS HAD never been so panicked. When Evelyn was late to show at the docks, he watched as people boarded the boat – eyes darting around the murky area hoping to see her running towards him. Instead, the boat left and he was still standing alone after sending Ishmael back home to London without him. 

With a groan, he debated whether or not to pay the Shelby's a visit at Tommy's estate; but decided against it – ultimately waiting another hour at the docks before realising that Evelyn wasn't going to show. So with a heavy heart, Alfie drove himself to Arrow House; thoughts of what could have held his girl up running wildly through his mind.

Alfie's hips ached as he walked as fast as he could to the front door that was wide open; a nauseating feeling settling in the pit of his stomach. He ignored the maid who called out and asked who he was, heading straight for the office that Tommy had spoken to him to on the night he first met Evelyn. 

Pushing the door open, Alfie pretended not to notice the way it hit the wall with a thud; the handle making a hole in the plaster wall.

"Thomas!" He bellowed, watching the Shelby man take a drag of his cigarette as he stared out of the window, the Shelby man not even reacting to Alfie's entrance. "Sorry for the fuckin' intrusion, but a certain sister of yours said that she would be meetin' me at the docks in an hour, right, you wouldn't perhaps know where she is?"

Letting his arm fall to his side, Tommy tossed his smoking cigarette to the ground before stomping it out and turning to look at Alfie who was trying to hide his worry behind his usual confidence. The empty seats all lined up in front of Tommy's desk indicated to Alfie that there was actually family meeting and Evelyn didn't decide to just skip out on him.

"Now I know she was here, because that Eve wouldn't lie to me," Alfie continued, hands clenched around the handle of his cane. "So if you would so kindly give me her whereabouts and I'll be off to fuckin' find her."

Tommy watched as the usually poised man that was Alfie Solomons became slightly unhinged when he finally spoke up. "She's not here anymore, Alfie."

"Well yeah mate, I can fuckin' see that," Alfie huffed, taking his hat off and running his hand through his knotted and slightly greasy hair. "Where the fuck is she?"

Tommy clenched his jaw, sitting down in his chair behind his desk; running a hand down his face. "I didn't think you were the type to lose your sanity for a girl?" Tommy mulled, trying his hardest to put off telling Alfie about what had happened; although it was inevitable.

"Right, well I didn't fuckin' think so either," Alfie offered Tommy a tight lipped smile, annoyance evident in his posture. "Now I fuckin' swear, Tommy, I swear that if you don't tell me where I can find Eve I will fuckin' shove this walkin' stick, yeah, right up yer' fuckin' a-"

"She's in jail," Tommy interrupted Alfie's threat.

Alfie felt himself physically freeze at Tommy's words, his eyes narrowed and head tilted as he analysed the man for any sign that he was lying; pointing the end of his walking stick towards Tommy when he came up empty.

"She's – I'm sorry mate, she's fucking what?!" His voice was penetrating, the sound causing Tommy to stiffen in his seat. 

"In jail Alfie," Tommy repeated, not reacting when Alfie stormed around his desk and plucked him off his seat by his collar. "She was arrested just like the rest of my family."

Pushing Tommy back into his seat with as much force as he could muster, Alfie was enraged, spit flying from his lips as he yelled his next words. "What the fuckin' shit?!"

"Alfie, I did what needed to be fucking done-"

"You got her arrested?!" Alfie was far past reasoning with Tommy as the man tried to get him to calm down. "I'm going to blow yer' fuckin' brains out!"

𝐞𝐠𝐨 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤 · 𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐢𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now