𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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SURPRISES NEVER MEANT anything good growing up in the Shelby family.

There was the time that Evelyn's surprise for her seventh birthday was her father taking her to the fair that was on their lane – she could remember being over the moon to spend the whole day with her dad only to have him send her off with a couple of pennies as he went to meet one of his whores who worked in one of the stalls.

Ultimately, Arthur Shelby Sr. once again forgot all about his daughter who was left alone for the whole day as she hid herself away from all the strangers around her. It wasn't until Tommy and Arthur realised their sister hadn't come home that night that they went searching for her at the fair grounds – finding her hiding in the stables where the horses were kept while she cried her little eyes out.

That day was one of many surprises that went wrong for Evelyn, who was later surprised by her mothers death, her father ultimately leaving the family, her brothers being drafted into the war and many, many more.

Perhaps that was why her heart was beating so fast that she could hear it in her ears as Alfie lead her somewhere blindfolded. She trusted the man more than anybody in her life, but she was terrified of the possibilities that came with a surprise from none other than Alfie Solomons. 

"Alright, just stay 'ere love, I'm goin' to just open the door, alright?" Evelyn nodded in confirmation to his words, feeling his hold on her arm slide loosen as he went to open the secret door.

Feeling Alfie's hand gently grab hers, Evelyn let him lead her into where-ever they were, listening when he told her to stay where she was standing again as he rushed to turn on the lights.

"Take yer' blindfold off when I tell yer' too, eh?" Alfie called to her, Evelyn's hands lifting as her fingers grabbed the end of the knot of the blindfold made of Alfie's tie, behind her head. "On the count of three, yeah? One.. two.. three."

Tugging off the blindfold, Evelyn let the black material fall to the floor as she blinked a couple of times to clear her vision. Her eyes darted around the room as she took in the dazzling sight. It was obvious that it was made to be a speakeasy, from the multiple tables to the stage against the far wall made for performers – Evelyn was in shock.

"Alf," Evelyn gasped, her hand coming up to her mouth as her eyes darted to the bar that was painted a gorgeous gold which stood out against the red decor. "Is this..?"

Alfie chuckled as he walked up behind her, wrapping his arms around her torso. "Tommy came by the distillery earlier to drop of the keys, said somethin' about Klein acceptin' the deal – he thought it needed someone who would put in the work."

Evelyn beamed as she twirled around and walked a couple steps away from Alfie, taking everything in with amazement.

"I will!" She practically shouted, before running back to Alfie. Her hands grasped both his cheeks to pull him into a passionate kiss, causing the man to moan into her mouth at the feeling. Evelyn pulled away after a couple of seconds, murmuring against his lips. "I love you." 

Alfie grinned, "I love yer' too." 

Grabbing Evelyn's hand, Alfie threaded his fingers through her own, leading her over to the bar as he began to show her the array of alcohol – pouring out a glass of rum for her.

"You'll have an endless supply of rum and gin," he chuckled, watching as Evelyn downed the amber liquid – she curiously tilted her head.


"Yer' brothers offered to generously supply some of their finest gin, which I, right, I personally think tastes too sweet – but Thomas is insistent that he knows what he's talkin' about, isn't he?"

𝐞𝐠𝐨 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤 · 𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐢𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now