𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫

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EVER SINCE TOMMY gave Arthur ownership of the Garrison pub, Evelyn had found herself interested in owning a place of entertainment too. She had asked Tommy to help her open a speakeasy where they could see the companies gin and make easy money – her older brother telling her that he would think about it and therefore it was never brought up again, the young woman settling for her secretarial position within the family business.

But determination was a stubborn root that ran through the Shelby bloodline – none of them ever letting go of their ambitions until they achieved them. 

Evelyn was a pistol when it came to getting things done and in order – Alfie used to claim that she reminded him of Tommy when she put her mind to things. She was exceptionally good at mathematics, something that seemed to come naturally to her – being able to memorise numbers after only seeing them once.

Perhaps that was why both Tommy and Alfie put her in charge of taking care of the books within their respective companies – allowing her to check for mistakes and finalise deals that they had been working on for months.

Evelyn was well and truly the breakthrough that both companies needed.

She knew that was why Tommy had asked her to join him in the meeting with The Scuttlers. Arthur would brood in the back corner not adding any input to the conversation, her aunt would make the atmosphere tense which was never good in a deal, her cousin Michael was good with numbers too, but Tommy had decided to inform him that he was to go to America and sort out their affairs over there, therefore he would be no use in a current meeting – leaving Evelyn.

Perching herself upon the windowsill in Tommy's office, Evelyn glanced down on the gloomy streets of Birmingham – catching sight of a wagon in the distance, being pulled by two large horses.

"They're here," she mumbled to her brother, the older man humming in acknowledgement to her words – the pair of them waiting until they heard the sound of approaching footsteps. 

A gentle nod sounded at the door – Lizzie Stark poking her head in. The woman had taken Evelyn's position within the company as her brother's secretary when she began to work at Alfie's distillery. It had come as no surprise to Evelyn when she found out that Lizzie was pregnant with Tommy's child –  her brother was one to try to bury his feelings either inside a woman or with a bottle of booze. 

"A Mr Klein is here to see you," Lizzie informed Tommy.

"Let him through," Tommy nodded towards the woman before raising a hand to stop her from walking away. "Go home."

"Are you sure, Tom? I have a lot of paperwork that needs to be done by tomorrow."

Tommy lightly sighed as he exhaled the smoke from the cigarette lazily hanging from the corner of his mouth. "I don't know what these men are capable of, Lizzie. So please, go home."

Evelyn noticed the way Tommy's eyes darted to the Lizzie's stomach, watching as he silently pleaded for Lizzie to make sure their child was safe – Thomas Shelby could be a self-righteous asshole, but he was always one to protect his kin.

Without saying much more, Lizzie held her head high as she confidently strolled towards Tommy and plucked the cigarette out of his mouth, placing it between her own scarlet lips before taking her leave. Evelyn lightly chuckled at the interaction, the sound causing Tommy to raise an eyebrow towards her in a silent question. 

"She fits right into this family," Evelyn mused, fondly staring at her brother. "You need a woman who can hold her own against your brisk nature."

Tommy grunted in response as he walked over to the liquor towards the side of the room, pouring himself and Evelyn a glass of whiskey each as the door reopened and in strolled three men. Taking the cup of amber liquid out of Tommy's outstretched hand, Evelyn took in the sight before her. It was easy to point out which one of them was the leader – the young man boldly walked towards her brother, standing toe-to-toe with him.

𝐞𝐠𝐨 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤 · 𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐢𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now