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TOMMY SHELBY WAS nervous. He leant against the wall, ignoring all the questions thrown at him by his family. Why is your shirt covered in blood, Thomas? Whose blood is it anyway? Why are we in London? Why are we in a hospital?

He kept his mouth shut and face void of any emotion, waiting patiently for the last person – and particularly the most important person – to arrive, and when he did Tommy swore he could feel every hair on his body stand up in panic. 

He had to put on the best performance of his life, knowing that if anyone could see through his acts it would be either Polly or Alfie. 

The hallway was clear of people, Evelyn's doctor and nurses having been informed by Tommy of the plan – they didn't understand, but they also wouldn't question a Shelby. Tommy swore them to secrecy, the threat of killing their families and a couple of shilling enough to get all of them to agree. 

"Thomas, may I ask why on Earth you made me prematurely leave a business meeting to come to a fuckin' hospital," Alfie spoke gruffly, causing annoyance to roll off the Shelby's in waves. 

"Why the fuck is he here?" Arthur spat in disgust towards Alfie, looking at his younger brother. 

"Because this news will probably hit him the hardest," Tommy began, looking towards Alfie who was taking in the wrecked state he was in. "It's about our sister, Eve."

Immediately, Alfie's eyes widened and he stood a little straighter. "What about her?"

"She had a run in with a couple of men seeking revenge for her killing their father – they teamed up with Changretta to track her down, finding her at your house," Tommy nodded towards Alfie whose whole stance showed worry. 

Polly was the one who interrupted with the question that Alfie couldn't seem to get out, "is she okay?" Taking a shaky breath, Tommy met his aunts scrutinising stare.

"She called me as they busted down the front door, when I got there she was in a pile of her own fuckin' blood – they fuckin' stabbed her and she had bled, a fuckin' lot. She couldn't stay awake when I pulled her into my arms. I had called for an ambulance when I got to London, they got her here as fast as they could but-"

Having enough, Alfie gripped the lapels of Tommy's vest – pushing him up against the wall. "Is she fuckin' okay?" He seethed. 

"No, Alfie. She's gone. Evelyn's dead."

Dropping Tommy in shock, Alfie ignored the sharp inhales from the Shelby family around him and gave Tommy one hard shove into the wall for good measure – pacing back and forth before pointing towards him. 

"Nah mate," Alfie shook his head, Tommy could practically see the fire burning behind the older mans eyes. "She's not fuckin' dead, innit? Which fuckin' room is my girl in?"

"Why the fuck would I lie to you about this Alfie," Tommy gritted his teeth, hating the sound of Finn and Ada letting out  sobs and seeing Polly cry into the arms of Arthur who was trying to hold in his tears. "She lost too much blood. They couldn't save her – she's fuckin' dead!"

"Fuck!" Alfie clenched his fist, before placing his arm against the wall beside Tommy who let his family take in the fake news. Tommy heard Alfie let out a soft cry and reluctantly placed his hand on the mans shoulder in comfort, only for it to be roughly shrugged off.

With one dark look, Alfie stormed away from the broken Shelby family. He couldn't be there surrounded with people when he felt like he was suffocating. As soon as he got outside of the hospital Alfie walked into the alleyway next to it, leaning against the brick wall until he felt his legs give out and he slid down in a heap as he helplessly cried into his palms – letting himself have this moment of vulnerability.

𝐞𝐠𝐨 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤 · 𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐢𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now