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EVER SINCE SHE was a young girl, Evelyn hated being in trouble. She could count on her two hands the amount of times that aunt Polly had yelled at her; most of them being for fighting with her siblings or stealing roses from the old woman who lived on the end of Watery Lane. 

However, as much as Evelyn hated being scolded by her aunt, she utterly despised the scolding that came from her older brothers; especially Tommy. It may have been because of the time she was seven and stole Tommy's gun that he had carelessly left on the kitchen table – taking it to school to proudly show off; Evelyn swore she had never seen Tommy so angry at her before; smoke practically coming out of his ears.

Then there was the time she had uncontrollably cried over her father leaving their family. Tommy had sat her down on the steps to their house, telling her that she wasn't allowed back inside until she stopped shedding tears over a man who would always choose himself over his family.

That would explain the way she was hesitant to open the door that led into Alfie's office. Evelyn had gotten so used to walking in without a care in the world, knowing that no matter what Alfie would always be delighted to see her; but this time she had no idea what she was walking into.

Trying to stop her hand from shaking, Evelyn pushed open the door – drawing the attention of the three men inside the room. Ollie was the only one to offer her a smile and wave, Alfie only nodded at her; his eyes lighting up with excitement that he tried to keep hidden under the scrutinising gaze of Tommy Shelby who hadn't even turned around in his seat. 

"Tom," Evelyn reluctantly spoke, shutting the door behind her. "What brings you back to London."

Gesturing for her to take the seat next to him, Evelyn was quick to sit down – eyes meeting Alfie's, his presence easing her tremendously. Tommy cleared his throat, causing Evelyn to look towards him with a confused expression.

"Eve," he greeted, before holding his pack of cigarettes out to her; taking one for himself. Lighting both their cigs, Tommy let his hang out the corner of his mouth as he spoke. "I closed the deal with the Russians."

Nodding, Evelyn looked back and forth between Alfie and Tommy before speaking. "Why didn't you call?" She questioned.

"I wanted to tell Mr. Solomons about it in person. There's something I would like him to do."

"What's that?" 

Resting her elbow on the armrest of the chair, Evelyn let her cigarette burn out openly in the air; finally taking a look at Alfie. He appeared tense, hands clasped together so tight his knuckles were turning white – while his expression remained calm. It was something that Evelyn admired about Alfie, his ability to remain composed on the outside but inside he was furious; his mind was running one-hundred miles a minute.

"I'll explain the details back in Birmingham," Tommy nodded, voice low as he looked between his sister and the Jewish gangster. "Alfie will meet us there."

"I'm going back with you?" 

"That's why I came instead of phoning you. I'll be expecting you in five minutes – sort everything out with Mr. Solomons."

With that, the older Shelby stood; stumping out his cigarette in the glass ashtray that Alfie had gotten specifically for Evelyn when she smoked while they worked. Ollie walked Tommy out of the distillery leaving the couple awkwardly seated opposite each other in silence. 

"Are we actually joining my brother?" Evelyn questioned, eyebrow raised as she walked around the desk to rest her hand on his shoulder. Alfie only let out the breath he didn't even realise he was holding at the soothing feeling of her touch, looking up at her with a tender stare. 

𝐞𝐠𝐨 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤 · 𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐢𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now