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THE GIN BURNS Evelyn's throat as she downs her fifth glass. Much like her brothers, she repressed her feelings behind a bottle of alcohol and tin of smokes – hiding away in the private Shelby snug that she hadn't visited for what felt to be years. 

She had stopped crying about half-way through her second glass and now she just felt numb. She guesses this must've been what Alfie felt when he thought she was dead – only multiplied by a hundred. 

Evelyn placed her cup down and wrapped her arms around her legs that she pulled up onto the seat; resting her forehead on her knees – trying to collect herself. She was a complete mess – albeit that she was also drunk.

Hearing the door to the snug be pulled open, Evelyn lifted her head, sighing when she caught the familiar sombre face of her aunt Polly. The older woman heaved a deep breath and walked into the small room, taking a seat next to her niece who broke down into tears as soon as she was pulled into her aunts arms. 

Polly let the young woman cry, the black kohl from Evelyn's mascara staining the white collar of her shirt. Her hand rubbed comforting circles on Evelyn's back – just like she did when Evelyn would cry over her brothers when they were sent to war. 

"Tommy explained why you did what you did," Polly spoke softly, lifting Evelyn's face off her shoulder – brushing away the strands of her brown hair that had stuck to her tears. "I'm not going to dismiss it or say that you were both right in your actions. But you and Thomas have always put logic and reasoning before matters of the heart."

With a sniffle, Evelyn began wiping her tears away – trying not to let the fresh ones building along her lash–lines fall.

"I lost him," her voice was barely above a whisper. "I lost him and I don't think I'm ever getting him back. It hit me that I thought I had forever, you know? But the truth is that we never really do. We were getting married and I was truly happy for the first time in forever, but it was never going to last because being a Shelby means that we can't ever have love."

Polly pursed her cherry coloured lips, shaking her head fondly at her niece. "That's not true – everybody is worthy of love."

"Not us," Evelyn argued, swallowing thickly. "We were all born into nothing but darkness – where other people adopt it. Mum lost dad to other women, Tommy lost Grace, you lost your husband, and now I've gone and lost Alfie. Maybe we're all destined to be alone."

The pair of women were silent as Evelyn rested her head back onto her aunts shoulder – shutting her eyes as Polly began twirling pieces of her locks around her dainty fingers.

"He loved you," Polly stated, as Evelyn bit her lip to stop herself from bursting into another round of tears. "He was going to wait for you until the end of time and waiting is a sign of true love and patience. Two things that nobody believed Alfie Solomons was capable of."

Evelyn remained silent, taking in her aunts words.

"Anyone can say that they love you," Polly continued. "But not everybody can wait and prove that they do. You can't just give up him, as much as every part of me is screaming to tell you to let him go. I won't."

Pulling away from her aunts hold, Evelyn shifted until she could meet Polly's eyes – the older woman knowing that she was looking for sincerity behind her words; for any chance that she was lying. 

"You're too much like your brother," Polly chuckled, wiping away the tear tracks on Evelyn's flushed cheeks. "Don't give up on what you and Solomons had. Great relationships are great because both people care about the other enough to make it work under the hardest circumstances. You both obviously still care about each other."

"What should I do? He won't speak to me."

"Give him time, child. He'll eventually come around – like us," Polly nodded to the foyer outside of the snug. Evelyn's eyes landing upon all over her family, who were giving her soft smiles. Polly clicked her tongue. "Arthur, take Eve home. She needs to sleep off the alcohol."

The eldest Shelby nodded, walking into the room – holding out his arm for his sister to take. Evelyn was wobbly on her feet as she tucked herself against her brothers side, an overwhelming sense of safety filling her body for the first time in months. 

Tommy looked towards his aunt who gave him a reassuring smile.

"She's going to see him?" His gruff voice echoed around the pub as he pulled out his tin of cigarettes – Polly nodded to confirm his question.

"When she's not drunk you can take her to London. For now, we just make her feel welcomed back."


The streets of Camden Town were busier than Evelyn remembered. She watched as the people around her hurried past, some workers recognising her – giving her waves in greeting. She knew that most of them already knew what had happened at the boxing match a week ago.

"You miss this shit town?" Tommy hit his shoulders into his sisters, a small teasing grin stretched upon his lips. 

"It's not as bad once you're used to it," Evelyn shrugged, pausing in her steps when she caught sight of Ollie who was waving towards her. Gripping the side of Tommy's thick coat, Evelyn looked towards her older brother – his features furrowing when he saw the reluctance on her face. 

"You can do this. It's just business," he encouraged her, placing his hand on her right shoulder to give it an affectionate squeeze.

Evelyn only shook her head and began backtracking her steps. "I can't Tom. He's going to yell at me and I can't fucking take that. Not again."

"He's expecting you to be there."

Frowning, Evelyn ran a hand through her messy hair. "What?"

Tommy wiped a hand under his nose, before gesturing with his left arm towards the distillery only a few meters away from them. "I called earlier to make sure it was okay that you were there. He said it's fine as long as it's on business."

"So we're just doing business?"

"Only business."

Nodding, Evelyn sucked in a deep breath before exhaling – wrapping her arms around her brothers bicep as Tommy began to lead the pair of them towards Ollie who had a bright smile on his face.

"Miss Shelby, it's wonderful to see you again – you look beautiful," the energetic man rushed out, before giving Tommy a polite grin. "Mr Shelby."

Evelyn politely smiled but said nothing as Ollie led her and Tommy inside – many of Alfie's men turning to look towards them when they walked through the hallway; some offering Evelyn nods and waves hello.

Upon reaching the door to Alfie's office, Evelyn felt her heart sink – she had so many memories with the love of her life in that room. She could remember the times she would visit him on his lunch breaks and would sit on his lap as he told her about his day. She would hum along to little things he animately spoke about – occasionally slipping a piece of bread past his lips to which he would grin at.

She missed those little, intimate moments she shared with Alfie – not knowing if she was ever going to be able to experience them again. 

Pushing open the door, Ollie gestured for Tommy and Evelyn to enter – Tommy thanking Alfie's right-hand man as he entered before Evelyn; Ollie whispering a little 'it's good to see you again, Miss. Shelby,' as she passed him. 

Evelyn's gaze darted around the room – taking note that nothing had changed from the last time she had been in there – until they landed on the figure who was sat in the chair on the opposite side of his desk.

Both of their eyes met each others at the same time and they swore that time froze. 

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