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THE SOUND OF Alfie's laughter was enough to have Evelyn smiling so hard her cheeks hurt. The girl buried her face in his chest as he held her by the cut, hiding her blushing pink cheeks from his view. 

Evelyn had decided to take Alfie to the only decent place in Small Heath. The cut was the place that Evelyn would go to just let her emotions run free. She visited the first time alone when her brothers had been drafted and cried out into the open air for hours – from then on it was the only place she could go and not be intruded on by a member of her family or nosy people in the neighbourhood. 

After the events of the previous night, both Evelyn and Alfie barely got any sleep – the pair walking around Small Heath until the sun came up. Which was when Evelyn decided to take her lover to her safe place. Alfie had quickly sat underneath the huge oak tree, pulling the girl in-between his legs; her back pressed against his chest.

"It's in yer' fuckin' Gypsy roots," Alfie teased referring to where she had taken him, pressing a quick kiss to her cheek. His head lowered so he could converse solely with just her. "How are yer' ears?"

Kissing her teeth, Evelyn only shook her head – ears still ringing from the blast of the train that she was present for. "Still hurt, should go away in a few hours though. Tommy said the blast killed six men."

Sighing, Alfie tugged the girl impossibly closer to himself – to comfort himself or her, he wasn't too sure.

"I had killed only two men in my life before last night," Evelyn mumbled, beginning to play with Alfie's fingers. "Now I've killed eight."

"You'll be okay," Alfie whispered back, knowing that his words could barely console her. "If you need me to shoulder some of the burden, I'm here."

"You're far too kind to me, but I can't ask that of you. I don't deserve you."

"I'm yer' man, it's part of my job," Alfie stopped her from saying anything else; because if anyone didn't deserve the other, Alfie believed he didn't deserve the girl who was tracing small hearts on the back of his hand.

"I've got to go to the family meeting," Evelyn sighed when she looked at the pocket watch on Alfie's waist, pulling away from his comforting touch to stand up. "I wish you could come."

"It'd probably end with me mouthing off to yer' brother and then Tommy, yeah, he would fucking threaten me again," Alfie laughed, holding his hand out as Evelyn helped him stand; his sciatica had been worse since he left London and Evelyn wanted to help in any way she could. 

Noticing Evelyn shaking, Alfie gave a tiny shake of his head at the thin pink dress she was wearing – her white stockings barely providing any warmth. Quickly shrugging off his coat, Alfie wrapped it around her shoulders, helping her put her arms through the sleeves. 

"Alf, now you're going to be cold!" Evelyn scolded, trying to remove the coat. "It's my fault for not putting on something thicker." Alfie quickly stopped her fussing, He would rather go cold if it meant she wouldn't get sick.

"Right, well I wouldn't fuckin' give yer' my clothes if you didn't need them more than me. Now stop complaining and leave the coat on." 

"You're such a gentleman," Evelyn smiled softly. "At least to me."

With a hum of agreement, Alfie gently pulled Evelyn's face towards his; planting a tender kiss on her lips. "Only to you," he muttered, reluctantly pulling away from her; his forehead pressing against hers. "I'll meet you at the dock in an hour."

Nodding, Evelyn pecked his lips once again before beginning to walk away slowly. "I love you Alfie Solomons!" She shouted, over her shoulder causing Alfie to freeze on the spot. Of course, the first time she told him she loved him would be as she was walking away from him.

𝐞𝐠𝐨 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤 · 𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐢𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now