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NERVES WERE SOMETHING that Shelby's refused to acknowledge. They could be looking into the pits of hell, their hearts in their throats – but wouldn't ever show weakness.

Tightening the strap of her coat around her waist, Evelyn waited in the car that Tommy had parked down the alleyway beside the building that held the boxing ring. People were lining up outside waiting to enter, the sound of cheers from those already inside loud enough to shake the ground.

Evelyn was nervous. Her leg constantly bounced up and down in anticipation – this moment was one that she had waited almost five months for but she couldn't help but feel sick to her stomach at what her family would think; but most of all what Alfie would think when he saw her.

Just as she began to twist her engagement ring around on her finger, Tommy had swung open the passenger door; signalling that the boxing match was in full swing and it was time for her to make her grand debut back to the land of the living.

Taking Tommy's offered hand, Evelyn linked her arm with his as he lead them both inside; following her brothers instructions to put her head down so her hair covered her face. The roars from the crowd hurt Evelyn's ears as Tommy weaved them through the crowd to the dimly lit back rooms.

Grabbing Evelyn's hands, Tommy placed a Smith and Wesson in his sisters shaking palms, pulling her closer by crouching slightly and placing one hand on her shoulder to draw her attention to him instead of the weapon.

"You're going to use this," he began, making sure she was listening. "There's a full clip. I want you to empty it into James Frank. Understood?"


Nodding, Tommy waited with Evelyn until he heard the last cheer signalling the completion of the match between Bonnie and Goliath – before he stood, gesturing for Evelyn to follow behind him. The pair walked in silence before they reached the end of the hallway, Tommy stopping Evelyn.

"Wait here until you hear my gunshot," he sternly instructed, "then you come out guns blazing – you don't stop until they're both dead. Don't worry about the rest."

It took a couple of minutes for Tommy to make his way into the boxing ring in-between the rowdy crowd goers and officials – but once he had, he raised his colt into the air and let off two shots into the ceiling; the crowd either ducking or trying to rush out of the building.

Without hesitating Evelyn stormed through the crowd, her heels clicking against the pavement – almost mimicking the sound of hell hounds coming to collect a soul. It was as if the pot of fury and the need for revenge that had been boiling for months inside Evelyn had finally tipped over as she didn't hesitate to fire a shot directly into the shoulder of James Frank.

Evelyn watched as the boy let out a cry of pain, his other hand desperately grasping his bloody shoulder; without wasting a second Evelyn fired another bullet into James' chest, his body fell to his hands and knees in pain.

Pushing herself through the ropes around the ring, Evelyn met Tommy's eyes as he was pointing his gun towards William who was being held back by a couple of blinders. Using the heel of her shoe, Evelyn kicked James' shot shoulder so he fell to his back – his blood soaked chest on display as Evelyn pointed the barrel of her gun in-between his eyes.

"I - what? How?" The boy immediately began to splutter upon the sight of the supposedly dead Evelyn Shelby, blood beginning to coat his lips crimson.

"Surprised?" Evelyn spat, before looking towards William who was in as much shock as his brothers. James' cough brought Evelyn's attention back towards him, blood spurting out of his mouth and onto Evelyn's blue coat, the girl didn't so much as grimace.

"I-I should've shot y-you," he stuttered, breathing becoming ragged as his lungs desperately tried to inhale air; ultimately failing as Evelyn ended his struggle with a bullet through the head.

Rising to her feet, Evelyn made her way over to where William was being held back, her crazed, crystal blue eyes looking directly into his soulless brown ones. William only snarled at the Shelby who had just taken his brothers life; knowing that inevitably he was next. He body shaking with fear. "Watch yourself little girl, you're swimming in the deep end now."

"No, actually," Evelyn darkly chuckled, raising her gun to the last remaining Frank's head. "Your father made the decision to swim in the deep end and you both got involved in something you know nothing about and now because of Changretta and your need for fucking revenge, you're paying the same price your father did."

William opened his mouth to say his final piece, but before he could get it out Evelyn had shot him point blank - his body falling limp in the Peaky mens arms before they dropped him face-first to the ground.

"I told you Frank boys" Evelyn taunted, "not killing me was going to be the biggest mistake of your life."

Standing in the aftermath of shooting both the Frank boys, Evelyn let the gun in hands drop to the ground; before Tommy quickly pulled her into his chest – adrenaline pumping through her body. A tense feeling settled throughout the now mostly empty boxing arena, Evelyn trying to steady her shallow breathing – the only sound she could hear was her own racing heartbeat.

"Oh, fuck," Evelyn's body froze at the sound of her aunts voice, one that should give her a sense of comfort only made her more nervous as she turned around.

Evelyn tensely looked at her family who had all congregated around the ring, faces of shock on each of their faces. Tommy gave Evelyn a comforting squeeze to her hand that was clasping his tightly, before Evelyn took a shaky breath – forcing a smile onto her features.

"Missed me?"

Nobody moved a muscle or uttered a single word until Finn pushed through everyone running straight into Evelyn's arms, tears already cascading down his freckled cheeks as his older sister held him as tightly as she could.

"Thought you were dead, sis" the boy muttered into her neck before pulling away, as Polly walked up to her niece grasping her face in-between her hands, as if to make sure Evelyn was real.

"Can I just ask what the fuck is going on?" Arthur's voice cut through the air, his eyes darting between Evelyn and Tom; features hard to read. "Tom?"

Before Tommy could say anything, the sound of a cane clicking against the ground had everyones attention turn towards the door – Evelyn's heart racing when the voice she hadn't heard in what felt like years, echoed throughout the arena.

"Tommy, mate, I'm sorry for what I've almost done, yeah- what the fuck?!"

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