𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐰𝐨

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IT WASN'T AN easy feat to knock a Shelby off their feet – but it seemed like the weather had done just that to Evelyn. 

It had been almost three weeks since she had last seen Alfie at his distillery and while the plan to kill Luca Changretta was ultimately finalised and just needed to be carried out, Evelyn had found herself bedridden the last few days leading up to it. 

Pulling herself off the ground near the lavatory, Evelyn let out a groan at how lightheaded she felt – tightly gripping the edge of the basin to stable herself. It was the third time that morning that the girl had rushed into the bathroom to throw up the contents of her stomach. 

Lifting her head, Evelyn took in her tired reflection in the small mirror on the wall, gently running a hand through her sweat matted hair before she turned on the tap and let the water run for a few seconds before cupping her hands under it – leaning down to splash her face and rinse out the acid taste in her mouth. 

"Evelyn can you hurry up? I have to take a bath!" Evelyn jumped slightly at the sudden booming voice and persistent knocking from outside the bathroom door. 

Clearing her throat with a cough, Evelyn responded. "Just a second, Finn!" 

Drying her face with the scarf around her neck, Evelyn tried to make herself at least a tad presentable before she swung open the door with a lopsided smile that had her younger brother frowning. 

"You alright, Eve?"

Ruffling her brothers ginger ringlets, Evelyn only muttered a soft 'I'm okay,' before letting Finn enter the bathroom as she walked downstairs – her hand firmly gripping the banister while she occasionally stopped every few steps to keep her balance. She could hear the voices from her family members chatting lowly from the parlour as she pushed open the doors that let out a squeak of protest – everyones eyes darting to her figure. 

"What did I miss?" She questioned Tommy as she sat down in the closest seat, but nobody answered as they watched her slow movements. 

It was Polly who was the first to move, instantly raising to her feet to rush over to her niece – placing the back of her hand to Evelyn's forehead.

"Jesus Christ," Polly hissed, rushing to the kitchen sink – wetting a rag with cold water. "You're burning up Eve, what's wrong?" Evelyn nonchalantly shrugged.  

"It's still that bug I've had for the past week, Pol. I'll be fine, let me just properly wake up first."

It was obvious that Polly's mind was being overloaded with thoughts as she shuffled her chair closer to her niece, placing the wet rag onto Evelyn's hot forehead. But nobody pressed the issue any further, knowing that there were more important matters to attend to that day. 

"Today is another black star day," Tommy addressed the family. "Today we meet with Changretta and do away with him and his pathetic war."

"What do you need us to do, Tom?" Arthur questioned just as Finn arrived – everybody humming in agreement to the eldest Shelby's inquiry. 

"Arthur is going to be the one to fire the shot into Changretta," Tommy instructed. "Pol, Finn and I are going to distract him, leaving enough time for Arthur's arrival to catch Luca off guard."

"What about me?" Evelyn piped up, removing the rag from her head. Tommy shook his head. 

"You're sick Evelyn, you stay home and rest. We need today to go smoothly. Changretta has already taken over Sabini, the Titanics, Alfie, and now he's coming to take over Shelby Company Limited."

Evelyn tossed the soaked rag into Tommy's chest as she stood up – Tommy paid no mind the wet material that fell to the floor in a heap by his feet. 

𝐞𝐠𝐨 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤 · 𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐢𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now