6. Tell me who she is before I throw myself off this plane.

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   Lucian Point of View:

My eyes felt as if they were glued shut when I tried to open them. It took me a few minutes of laying still to find the strength to force them open. When I finally glanced around, I had no idea where I was.

I only knew that I was laying in a recliner with a blanket over top of my legs. It took a few more seconds for me to realize how much pain was radiating from my leg. I tossed the blanket aside to assess the damage.

My leg was swollen slightly where the stitches were. I took a deep breath before sitting up. I winced as that just made the pain worse. I began to slowly put most of my weight on my uninjured leg as I stood up from the chair.

Once I was up, I took a better look at my surroundings. I was in a room that seemed like it was a storage room of some sort; and the recliner was just placed inside. I hobbled over to the door, putting as little weight on my leg as I could. In the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse out of a window, fluffy white clouds were everywhere.

"Fuck", I muttered to myself once I understood where I was... on a damn plane.

Being on a plane only meant one thing, I was on my way to Martino and Vince's house back in Los Angeles. I was beyond pissed that this was happening. Vince knew I didn't want to go back.

I opened the door harshly. It led to the cabin of the plane. Leather sofas and chairs were scattered around the room. My eye began to twitch when I looked at the end of the room, Martino was laying on one of the sofas. I snatched a steak knife from the attendant cart and began to go towards him.

Pure rage and adrenaline rushed through my veins, fueling my body. I squeezed the handle of the knife even harder as I got closer to the bastard. I grinned to myself as I lifted my arm and slammed the blade into his leg.

He instantly woke up. He looked ready to kill me, however that look slowly faded once he realized that it was me standing over him.

"Why the fuck would you do that", Martino screeched, making the smell of alcohol on his breath more prominet.

Before I could reply, Vince rushed frantically into the room. He calmed slightly once he saw that it was Martino screaming like the woman in every horror movie ever. I had to look at him again, it almost looked like he was struggling not to smile or laugh. He pressed the button for the attendant, who was quick on arriving.

"Yes Mr.Roman?"She asked Vince politely.

"Martino's drunk ass needs medical attention", Vince explained to the woman.

She glanced at Martino who was trying to stop the bleeding with towels," Sir, I am not trained in the Medical Field", She explained with panic hidden behind her voice.

"Do the best you can to keep him alive until we land. That'll only be about twenty or so minutes", Vince told her and handed her a hundred dollar bill," I would do it myself, however Luciana needs my help with her own medical issues."

My own medical issues? I then started to feel something run down my leg, I glanced down. As I thought, it was blood. I broke my stitches and blood was starting to gush down my calf onto the tan carpet. I bit my tongue as I watched it for a moment.

"Luciana, I'm going to carry you so you don't hurt yourself anymore", Vince told me and picked me up bridal style before I could say no.

He walked quickly back into the room that I woke up in. He put me on the recliner and elevated my leg. Vince took out a first aid kit and took out the proper supplies to fix my stitches.

"Back at that warehouse, you shot that gun really well, where did you learn to do that?"Vince questioned as he struggled to thread the needle.

Instead of responding, I just glared at him. He's only been back in my life for a little over forty eight hours. I hate to break it to him, but I'm not going to ramble about my life like a schoolgirl.

Vince chuckled, "if you think your glaring is going to stop me from trying to have a conversation with my little sister, you're wrong Luciana."

He started to redo the stitches that broke, and it was extremely painful.

Vincenzo started to talk, I think to distract me from the pain, "Lorenzo is like you in that way as well, he's a stubborn little fuck too. And not to mention the way that Cora glares at us at the table at dinner."

He stopped talking, almost like he didn't mean to mention that Cora person. Who I don't remember at all.

"Who is Cora?", I demanded.

He kept quiet which just pissed me off even more.

"Vincenzo Roman", I roared," I swear if you don't tell me who the fuck she is I am going to throw myself off this damn plane."

He dared to look at me to see if I was being serious. He sighed when he saw that I was.

"I'll tell you Luciana, but you have to promise not to kill Martino again", He bartered.


"No you have to promise you won't do it again", He told me, his voice harsh.

"Whatever, I promise from the bottom of my heart I won't kill Martino", I sighed.

"Cora is Martino's wife", disgust was present in his voice.

Vince quickly finished stitching my leg, and we didn't have anymore sibling bonding conversations. Before leaving he gave me clear instructions on not to walk on my leg until we landed.

Once he left, all I could think about was Cora. From what I can remember, Martino and Mama were seriously in love with each other. Martino just ignores that and marries Cora. If he was trying to replace Mama, he wouldn't succeed. No one could ever replace her.

My mind began to think of one of my favorite memories of Mama:

Me and two of my brothers were playing Princess and Dragons. I ran behind mama's legs as Martino and Antonio chased me.

"Mama save me from the scary dragons", I squealed from behind her.

"How could I let those scary dragons get this princess?"She smiled and picked me up and we all giggled and laughed together.

Martino came into the room and gently kissed Mama on the cheek. "The photographer is here", He explained, " everyone is ready and we are just waiting for you four."

Mama was very persistent that we took a picture together every year so we always did.

Knocking on the door brought me from my childhood memories. I quickly wiped my eyes before Vince entered the room.

"How are you feeling Luci?", Vince inquired.

"Fine I guess", I muttered.

"That's better than nothing I guess", He smiled slightly at me. "We are going to be landing in a few minutes, so you need to be sitting in that seat over there with a seat belt."

I nodded and Vince picked me up and sat me on the seat. I quickly buckled the seat belt and Vince went back into the cabin.

It only took another minute or two for the plane to start to descend to the ground. Once we stopped moving, I unbuckled and went to stand. It was too painful, and I ended up just falling back onto the chair.

A couple minutes later Vince came back into the room. "Ready?", he asked.

I nodded and he picked me up. We exited the plane and got into a car. I was dreading riding in the car with Martino however, the car started before he ever got inside with us.

"Where is Martino", I curiously asked.

"He's riding in another car for safety issues", Vince explained to me.

Our conversation was rudely interrupted by Vince's phone ringing. He answered it and looked pissed after the call was over.

"Who was that?", I asked.

"It was Donnie.", He sighed," Lorenzo got suspended from school... again."

I stared out the window of the car for the rest of the trip. Vince carried me from the car, up the stairs, and into the house once a housekeeper opened the front door. He placed me onto my feet once we were inside.

"We are back", Vince yelled, his voice bouncing off the walls of the house. 

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