Living By His Rules🙄

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I wrote it so I thought of uploading it early😊


Sai's POV: -

I woke up in the morning at around 8:00

I took a bath and got ready 

I took a bath and got ready 

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Sai's Outfit

It was a Saturday, My college starts from Monday.

I went to the kitchen and made myself a cup of coffee 

It was raining outside I went to my room's balcony and started drinking my coffee, the weather was so pleasant.

I drank my coffee and went to keep the cup, that is when I saw him getting ready.

He came to kitchen, He actually ignored me , why is he so rude? I thought

I wished him Good Morning and he wished me back but rudely😑

He made his breakfast ,

V- Did you had your breakfast?

S- No, I just had a cup of coffee

He ate his breakfast and was ready to leave, 

S- When will you return?

V- Till 8:00(arrogantly)

and he slammed the front door 

S- 🙄

I went to my bedroom and started watching a series, After an hour or so I thought of eating my breakfast.

I searched cereal boxes and I found them but they were kept at such a high cabinet 

He is tall but I am not so tall.

I stood on stool  and got them down, I looked through the entire kitchen most of the important stuff were kept in the highest cabinets, and the useless stuff were kept in the lower cabinets🤦‍♀️, he might be cleaning freak but the arrangements are the worst...

I thought of rearranging his kitchen, so I got all the stuff out and reassembled them according to my preference or you can say sensibly...

Even in some other rooms some things were not kept sensibly, I even arranged them properly.

8:00pm :-

He came home, And sat on the sofa, I think he might not have noticed anything till now

He went to the kitchen for making his dinner, that is when I heard his scream 

V- What the hell did you do to my kitchen!!!(he literally shouted) 

S- I just arranged the things a little sensibly...😐

V-Oh really do you think this is sensible...

S-ummm... Ya🤷‍♀️

V- First of all you are living in my house, And you have to follow my rules 

S- Wait Wait... I paid to live here, and now it is my house also, and all the things were kept at such height, you are tall but I am not🤷‍♀️ you can get them but I can't... 

V-  I don't want to hear anything I need everything at their original place till tomorrow, It is an order. 

S- and who told you I will follow your orders🤨

V- if you want to live here, you need too(angrily)

S- Fine

I gave up because there was no use of talking to him, he was just getting angrier and was not ready to give up.

I started keeping the things at their original place 

He ate His dinner and I went to complete my series which I was watching in the morning.

V- Have you seen the time.

S-🤨 10:00

V- and you are watching TV??

S- what do you mean?🤨

V- you are not allowed to watch TV beyond 9:30

How many stupid rules he had? I thought

S- Why 🤨

V- Because it is my house and...

S- I know I know, I need to follow your rules right,

V- You're getting really intelligent staying with me😏

S- you say (I smirked and rolled my eyes)😏🙄🙄

S- I need the reason!!!

V- I sleep early and I need silence

S- Tomorrow is Sunday!!! 

V- It is only allowed on Sunday nights😏😏

S- Arggh!!!!! Fine!!!!!!

I gave up and was going to sleep,

V- Did you had your dinner?

S- I am not hungry(angrily)

and I slammed my bedroom door

V- What gets into this Girl Sometimes🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

( ME- Seriously Virat😑 ) 


Precap: - Sai's Revenge😈


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Tell me through your comments and please vote also🥺

Will meet soon, 


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