Their First Official Date💖

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Sai's POV: -

His birthday party was success, It actually went according to my plan.

But Rohan's words were actually ringing in head

Are they really proud of me?

Should I call them?

Virat's POV: -

I walked to the kitchen, seeing her lost in her thoughts

I went in front of him and snapped my fingers

V- Where are you lost?

S- Should I call my parents?🥺

V- I think you should!

S- Are you sure?

V- Just trust me!

S- 😊

Sai's POV: -

I trusted him

I called my mother's number

I was nervous 

She picked up 


{ Her Mother- M }

M- Hello,

S- Hello Mom

{ tears welled up in her eyes }

M- S... Sai?

S- How are you mom?

M- I am fine, How are you?

S- I am also fine

M- We miss you a lot!

S- I too miss you! How's everybody?

M- Fine, Will you come to meet us? and please forgive us for everything!

S- Uh! Mom I am in America, I can't take leave now! But I will surely come to meet you... I promise! and no need of asking for apology I have already forgiven you long back:) 

M- Will Wait for you! I have so many things to talk you

S- I will love listening them!, Bye mom!

M- Bye take care!

S- You too!


Sai's POV: -

My eyes had tears, but Happy ones!

V- How was it?

I smiled and hugged him, 

S- I too trusted the right person!, It went amazing 

I broke the hug

V- I told you 😉

S- ( Blushed )

V- Someone's Blushing!

S- Who?😳

V- That someone knows it?

S- 😳

I ran from there, but he held my wrist

I turned towards him and raised my eyebrows

V- Will you go on a Date with me?

S- I would Love too!

V- Be ready by 7 today!

S- OK!

I went towards my room and opened my cupboard 

S- What should I wear?

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