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Sai's POV: -

I checked on Sophia... She was sleeping far away from my Virat... I sighed a breath out of relief

I tried getting up, but it was of no use, His grip was getting tighter and tighter.

S- Virat! Virat! Wake up!

V- hmm... Let me sleep a little more please

and he snuggled more into me

S- Acha leave me then sleep 

V- then where Will I sleep?

S- take a pillow! I am getting late

V- Today is a Sunday

And he opened his eyes

V-  Good Morning!

S- Good Morning!

V- You Have an off today

S- I forgot😁

V-🤦‍♂️who forgets a holiday!

S- me

V- WOW!!!!!

S- I am going to get ready, and will be making breakfast for you all, you also wake up and help me!

V- Fine!

I got ready and came out and started preparing breakfast...

I was craving pizza, um ya in the Morning😁

He came 

V- what to help?

S- Dough😁

V- 🤦‍♂️pizza in the morning!?

S- 😁please🥺

And here he melted

V- Fine give😏

S- I will prepare the rest!

V- ok

At that time his friends also woke up 

Sophia- Good morning!

V- good morning

I did not respond, I was literally irked with her!

{ Sophia- So }

So- What are you making?

V- pizza!

So- I don't like it!

V- um I think we can make something else then!?

S- But I want to eat pizza 🥺

So- But I don't😏

S- Did someone ask you?

So- 🙄, Virat Let us make pancakes

I was just waiting for his answer!!

V- Let us make pancakes then!


I didn't say anything, and there Sophia was giving me a winning smile

I just went into my room and locked it 

Fell down on the bed and started crying... I actually didn't know why I was crying?

S- Why did I even keep expectations from him, He is just my roommate...

Virat's POV: -

I saw her running towards her room, She was hurt... I hurted her...

I just can't say No to Sophia, as she was our Guest!

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