Back To Chavan Niwas!?

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Sai's POV: -

It was some days after our confession 

S- Virat!?

V- Why are you shouting in the morning!

S- I got my result!!

V- O wow!

He came and looked at the laptop screen which was showing my result 

V- You topped!

S- Yes!!!!

V- Congratulations!

S- Thank you!

V- Are you having holidays, as your semester is over?

S- Um Yes I have 3 months off ( the number is hypothetical ) 

S- Why? 

V- Uh, actually I have to go to India for sometime, for some official work!

S- Oh Ok

V- Will you be coming with me?

S- It's your official work na how can I?

V- I will meet my family also, and will be staying there, you can come, you are having vacations also!

S- Uh OK!

V- And you know I can't stay away from you for 3 freaking months!?

S- Oooo, Now I understood the main problem 😁(teasingly)

V- 😳, You are coming na?

S- Yes I am,

V- the tickets are of tomorrow, pack your bags

S- tomorrow!

V- Yes! I know it's early, but It was given by the department...can't change the dates...

S- ok I will!

I went in my Room and started packing my bags

Our bags were packed till 9

we had our dinner and slept

Next Day: -

Our flight was of 7 am 

We Reached the airport on time and sat in our flight 

It was a 14 hour flight!?

Our plane landed at 9 pm

S- Have you told them?

V- Will give them a surprise!

S- Okk, If they will ask who Am I, what will you say?

V/S- Friend?

S- Ok

We didn't waned to hurry up in telling them what our relation really is!

We sat in the taxi and reached the Chavan Niwas 

S- Nervous!?

V- Very!

I held his hand 

S- Everything will be fine!

V- I know, Coz you are with me!😁

S- Very Cheesy!😏

We laughed looking at each other

He ranged the door bell

A girl in her early 20's opened the door 

Virat Dada? she asked she was looking confused?

V- yes!, You are?

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