Her Parents!

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Continued: -

She was still in his lap

S- When will your deal end!?

V- The contactors delayed it for 2-3 days more, After that we can go back

S- Oh Ok!

V- Are you excited for going back!?

S- Kind of, Will miss your family!

V- Same here!

Sai's POV: -

There was a knock on the door and Shivani Bua came in,

I stood up from his lap

SB- Uh... I will come later 

{ she said teasingly }

S- Uh... Bua, you can come!

SB- I came here to call you for breakfast!

S- I will come down in a minute!

SB- Ok!

She went down

S- Chalo!

We both went to dining room

and had our breakfast

It was afternoon

I went to his room

S- Are you ready!?

V- Yeah! let's go

We both went down and sat in the car

I was nervous

I am Meeting them after soo long... 

He held my hand 

I looked towards him but his eyes were on the road

V- Everything will be fine, Trust Me!

He said but his eyes were still stuck on the road

I smiled 

S- I trust you!

I held his arm and put my head on his shoulder

We both had a smile on our faces

We reached

We got down and reached near the door

My hands were shaking 

V- You can do it!

He said me with an assuring smile

I rang the door bell

My Mom opened the door

Tears welled up in my eyes, after seeing her after so many years

I hugged her

She hugged me back, caressing my hair

S- Mom...

{ Sai's mother- Sm, Sai's father- Sf }

Sm- How are you Sai!?

S- I am fine mom!

We pulled out of the hug and kissed my forehead

We walked in and met my father

S- Mom dad he is Virat, whom I told you about!

Sm- Oh! so he is Virat, Your roommate right!?

We both looked at each other 

He blinked his eyes, 

S- Uh... Mom he is my roommate and...

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