Past Talks!

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Some Days Later: -

Sai's POV: -

My exams are approaching, they are in the next 5 days... we have been given off from college for the next 1 month!

2 weeks for exams and after that vacation

Virat's POV: -

I woke up and didn't see her outside 

I knocked on her room door

S- Come in!

V- Aren't you getting late?

S- I have off from the college for the next 1 month.

V- ok, and why are you studying in the morning?

S- My exams are in the next 5 days!

V-  oooh Then I won't disturb you!


I went out and thought of making her coffee

I spoon coffee powder, 1 pump caramel syrup, and...


I took the mug and went to her room 

She was sitting in the balcony, and studying 

I knocked and she did not say anything nor did she see me

I went in and sat beside her, She is so engrossed in her books😂

I patted her her shoulders

V- Sai! Sai!

S- Hmm

V- Coffee

S- I don't have time to make

🤦‍♂️ this girl!

V- Arre! I made it for you

She looked up at me in astonishment

S- You made it!?

V- um ya, there is nobody else in the house? I suppose!

She took the mug from my hand and tasted it

S- It's just perfect!

V- Thank you!

I went out and started getting ready

V- I have made your lunch, Get out of of your books for sometime and eat it please!

S- ok, I will bye

I locked the door and went

I came home at night, only to see this girl sitting in the same position, the coffee mug still at her side and the food kept as I left it


V- Did you eat your lunch?

S- Lunch? What is the time? and why are you at home?

V- Huh? It is 9:00PM, Dinner time 🙄

S-  😁😁😁😁😁 I didn't eat it

V- I know!

I went and snatched her books

S- Give it back!

V- you studied enough for today, 

S- No!!!

V- If you study more today you will forget everything!

She stopped 

S- are you serious!?

V- yes!

S- let's eat dinner

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