Her First Day

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Sai's POV: -

It was Monday Morning, you would be thinking what happened on Sunday morning,

So ya I am Just ignoring him since them, and he is kind of irked with me🤪

This is a part of my revenge but not my full revenge...

Yesterday night while I was going to sleep he handed me a letter


V- Take this 

S- (ignored)😒

He held my wrist and I turned towards him and we both looked into each others eyes and were lost in each other for about 5 sec, but our eye lock broke has he held my so tightly that I winced in pain.

S-leave my hand

he kept the letter in hand and left 

"Why the heck is sooooo arrogant" I thought 

I opened the letter and was shocked, he had actually made a list of rules which should be followed in his so called house...

I started Reading them:-

Rule No.1

You can not stay out of the house after 9:00


Rule No. 2 

No Parties allowed in my house

"His House" I smirked

Rule no.3

No TV after 9:30

Rule No.4 

No friends allowed in house after 6:00

and the list continued.

I was so irritated, With him and his stupid rules 

But He thought Me that I am So naive and will follow his every single rule 

Well he was wrong...

He thinks that he is the rule maker, but he forgot that I am the rule breaker😏

Now he will see the real Sai Joshi...

I will make sure to break his every single rule😈

Flashback Ends

It was my First day of college I got ready and ate my breakfast

It was my First day of college I got ready and ate my breakfast

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 Sai's Outfit

I got out of the house and locked it, he left early

I reached my college and went to my class... I am one step closer to my dreams... Maybe they would be proud of me🥺

I attended my lectures, all of them went very well...

I even made some friends. They were Jessica and Alexia..

Only in one day, we became quiet close.

{ Jessica-J, Alexia-A }

J- Umm would you like to go the café, it has newly opened 

A- Ya I would love to go (excitedly)

J- Amazing, what about you Sai?

I thought for a while, as my college gets over at 7:00, but then I remembered his First rule

" You should be at home till 9:00"

A perfect time to break it

S- yes, I would also go

J- Perfect then we will be going after college.

A- yes!

and we shared a high-fi

College ended and we reached the café

We were discussing so many things that I forgot about the time...

I looked at the clock, it was ; 9:30

I just broke his first rule!!!!!

I reached home and opened the lock

I entered and saw him sitting on the sofa, scrolling through his phone

Due to the sound of the lock he looked at me... or I might say he was angrily looking at me

I gulped...

I kept my things down...

He was coming near me, he took his phone out and showed me the time, I raised my eyebrows and acted innocent that I didn't know anything😶

V- look at the time 


V- You had to be home before 9:00

S- who said?

V- Did you read that letter?

S- oooo that, I did, But I thought those were for you..😅

He smirked and rolled his eyes 

V- You think😏

S- I am tired, I am going to sleep... Good night!

V- Where were you? Your college ends at 7:00 I suppose

S- I was at a café with my friends...

and I ran inside the room and closed the door... I could hear him screaming outside😁

It is just the beginning, you will see what all I can do😁😁😁😁😁


Precap:- Seeing The Good In him


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And Thank you All for your lovely comments.. I really enjoy reading them😃💖

Suggestions are always welcome😊

Will Meet Soon


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