Sai's In Danger!?

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Sai's POV: -

I woke up early, and was ready till 8:30

V- Why are you ready so early?

S- We have a function in college today, as some new professor is coming, so had to reach early!

V- oh ok

S- I have made your breakfast, you can have it and I am heading out:)

V- OK, I'll have it, Go safe!

S- Bye

V- Bye

I reached my college, and the function started 

J- This function is soooo boring!

S- Really, it is!

Finally the function ended, and we all reached our classes

{ professor- P }

P- Good morning students!

Students- Good morning!

and he started teaching 

S- Sir, I have a doubt!

He looked at me in a really weird way, like he was checking me

P- Come to my staffroom after the class, I will solve it there

S- But Sir, why not here?

P- If you want it solved, just come! and come alone!

S- ok sir


A- This professor is weird!

S- I know!

The class ended, 

J- Be careful!

A- yes!

S- I will, don't worry!

and I reached his staffroom

S- May I come in Sir!?

P- Yes, come in

P- settle down!

I sat in the chair in front of him, He came behind me and caged me with arms and held my hand 

P- You will do this question like this

He was holding my hand and writing

I stood up from the chair 

S-  Thank you so much, sir... I got it!

I left hurriedly from there, I was uncomfortable!

I knew he was wrong, But I had no proof

My college ended, and I reached home

V- Hi,

S- Hello,

I settled beside him

V- How was college?

I remembered that professor, I thought of not telling him now, He would be tensed otherwise

S- It... It was good!

V- ok, Dinner is ready 

S- ok, 

The next day: -

I reached college, and the first lecture was of "that professor"

He came and started teaching, after his class was over

P- Miss Joshi, Please come to my staffroom right now!

S- Why sir?

P- I will tell you there itself 😏

S- What do he want from me now? in mind

 I reached and knocked

P- Come In!

I entered and he stood up and locked the door behind me

S- What are you doing Sir!?

P- you will get to know soon😏

He was coming near me, at last I was blocked by the wall and he caged me in his arms

He was so close to me, I could actually feel his disgusting breaths on me

S- Sir, please let me go!

P- Oh! Now ! it's just started, Girl!

He was Going to kiss me, That's when I pushed him and slapped him

P- You will definitely pay for this slap!!!! 

I ran from there

I went to the class took my bag and ran from the college 

I reached home, ran to my room and fell on my knees and started crying

S- Why did this happen to me, Am I... ( Sobbing ) Am I so bad 🥺!!!

I didn't knew when I drifted into sleep

I woke up and saw the time it was 6

I thought of making dinner

The dinner was ready till 7, and Virat came home early 

S- You are early 

V- my work was over!

S- Oh ok

Virat's POV: -

I could sense something is wrong, But I thought to ignore it

I changed and we sat at the dining table 

We both always talk about our day

But today she was just lost somewhere

V- Sai!

S- ...

V- Sai! Sai!

S- ...

At last I jerked her 

V- Sai!

S- Ye... Yes!

V- Where are you lost?

S- Nowhere!

V- Are you fine!?

S- Y... Ye... Yes I am fine!

she hurriedly finished her food and 

S- I am going to sleep, I am very tired

V- oook!?🤔

She left and Closed her room door

Leaving me confused here🤔

There is definitely something wrong and I can't ignore it !? I thought


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