Jealous Viru...😆

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The Next day: -

Sai's POV: -

I got Rohan's text, We had to meet at  abc café at 6:00

I thought of taking Virat with me 

S- hey, Virat

V- yes?

S- Free at 6 today?

V- Um anything important?

S- Rohan Wanted to meet me at 6 at a café, So Will you be coming with me?

{Listening Rohan's name Jealousy rushed through his veins😂😆}

V- I will come early, I will be going with you!

S- OK, done then... be ready at 6!

V- OK!

V- Btw, HE is your " best friend " then why are you taking me!

S- uh!... I... I also came to your friends party right... that's... that's why😅

V- oh ok!🙂

We both were ready till 6, and reached the café 

R- Hi Sai,


I went running to him and hugged him, he hugged me back!

We parted and settled at our seats 

S- So Virat this is Rohan and Rohan this is Virat

V- Oh Hi,

R- Hello

R- Is he your boyfriend? Sai,



S- He is my roommate and my bestfriend!

V- Bestfriend!😁 in mind

 R- Oh OK!

R- So what are you guys planning to order... I suppose Sai you like Italian!

S- Oh! Wow! you still remember?

R- How can I forget my best friend's preferences!

V- 🤨

S- Aww! So sweet!

V- So sweet! This Rohan!😡 in mind

S- Virat, what would you like?

V- I will like Mexican!

S- ok!

Rohan to waiter - Two Italian Platters, and one Mexican Platter

W- OK sir,

S- You too eat Italian!

R- Whatever you like I like that too!😍

S- I know my choice is amazing!

R- Ya, it is!

V- Somebody save this Rohan from me, otherwise I don't know what I am gonna do with him 🤬🤬🤬 in mind

S- Virat, you know Rohan is a very great singer!

V- OH Wow! (fake smile)

our food came till then

R- Sai your choice is Hella amazing!

S- Thank you!

R- your welcome sweetheart!

Virat choked the water he was drinking (😂)

V- SWEETHEART!!!!!!🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 in mind

S- are you fine Virat?

V- Yes, I am!

S- Rohan, please sing a song for us🥺I want to hear your beautiful voice again

V- Beautiful voice🙄😏! in mind

R- Sai, But...

S- 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

R- Acha! ok fine...

S- yay! thank you

Rohan went on the stage and started singing a romantic song ( GUYS THEY HAVE ASKED THE PERMISSION) 

R- This song is dedicated to my best friend Sai!


{and here Virat, don't even ask😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂}

V- I just wish to go on the stage and break this Rohan's head!!😡 in mind


{ When the song was finished }

S- thank you so much Rohan!

R- your Welcome

{ And they Hugged }

{ Virat went towards her}

V- Let's go we are getting late!

{ he couldn't tolerate more😂 }

S- um ok!

S- Bye Rohan

R- Bye Sweetheart!

{ I think Rohan should leave otherwise, we all know  Virat's anger😂 }

V- I will kill him right now!!🤬🤬🤬🤬 in mind


S- let's go Virat! 

V- Hmm!

In car: -

V- Why were you sticking so much with him🤨

S- Chill Virat! He is just my best friend!

{ Seriously He need to chill😂🤣 }

V- Best friend😏 mumbled

S- Why are you so concerned?

V- I... I am not concerned, Was just asking!

S- were you jealous!?🤨

V- why would I be Jealous?

S- are you sure?🤨

V- Y... YES!!!!


V- If I see this Rohan again, I will surely kill him right and there!🤬😡 in mind



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