Virat Is Angry!

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Sai's POV: -

It was some days after 

I went to Virat's room and knocked on his door

I entered in and saw him getting ready

S- Where are you going!?

V- The second deal which we had, the contractors are creating some issues, so I need to go!

S- Oh Ok!

I back hugged him 

V- What happened?

{ He sensed her discomfort }

S- Nothing!😕

{ He turned towards her and cupped her face }

V- You can share with me

{ He said with an assuring smile }

S- I want to meet mom and dad🥺

V- So what's the issue call them, and ask when are they free!

S- Are you serious!

V- Yes!

S- Thank You!

{ She was jumping in excitement }

He smiled and turned towards the mirror fixing his tie

I went and stood in front of him and fixed his tie

He wrapped his hands around my waist

I was smiling, but my eyes were on the floor

He came forward and kissed my neck

S- Vi...ra...t!

V- Yes Baby!

He said nuzzling in my neck

S- You are getting late!

He looked up to me with an irritated face

I giggled looking at him🤭

V- Mood Spoiler🙄

I pecked his lips, but he took me into a kiss, I responded back

His hands around my waist and mine wrapped around his neck pulling him more closer

We were totally into each other

We broke it 

He was looking at me, while my eyes were stuck at the floor as I was blushing

V- I am getting late, Bye

He said kissing my forehead, while I closed my eyes feeling the moment

S- Bye!

He left

I went to my room and started studying

It was 1am in the Night

I was waiting for him

Everyone had their dinner and were off to sleep

I heard the sounds of his car 

I went down and opened the door for him

I smiled while he entered in

But he just ignored me and went in 

I think he might be stressed out due to his work🤷‍♀️

I went behind him

He entered into his room

S- Virat!

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