His Care

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Posted early for all the people waiting

but please complete the target🥺


Virat's POV: -

We ate our pasta and went to sleep

I woke up in the morning, and I didn't see her out yet

She is a morning person... I thought

I went to her room, knocked the door 

No Response

I knocked again, still no response

I opened the door and saw her sleeping


I tried waking her up 

but when I touched her, she was burning with fever!

This girl will never understand


After our pasta was finished, it started raining 

Seeing the rain her face actually lit up

She went outside and stood in the rain and opened her arms and was swirling around

V- Come inside, right now or you will get sick!

S- No it is so fun, you also come

V- I have no wish in getting sick!

S- fine then

She was jumping around in the rain

In crossed my arms and stood there leaning to the wall looking at her or you can even say gazing. She was looking like a cute small child.

It was getting late, I held her by her arm and dragged her inside

S- Leave me!

V- I don't want you to get sick 

S- 🥺

V- I won't melt


V- Change yourself and go to sleep, Right now!!!!!

S- fine😒

Flashback Ends

I woke her up 

S- let me sleep, please

V- I told you, you will get sick

I checked her fever, it was 102 degree C

I went to get her medicine and something to eat

V- eat this and take your medicine

S- aren't you getting late?

V- I have taken a day off

S- What! Why?

V- You are ill, how can I leave you!

S- I can take care of myself!

V- Seems like it, 


S- Did you eat your breakfast

V- No

S- Then go and eat it

V- Fine, you take rest

S- hmmm

I went out and ate my breakfast and started doing my work as I took a day off, But I need to finish today's work

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