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Sai's POV: -

We reached home

S- I am really tired, I am going to sleep!

V- ok Good Night!

S- Good night:)

I went to sleep 

Next day:-

I woke up, 

And made my morning coffee

I didn't see him around, I went and knocked on his door 

The Door Was opened so I went inside... 

Only to see him sleeping!

I thought of waking him up, but then I thought he will be tired as we came home late yesterday

I was going outside, and again a thought came into my mind, if I don't wake him up right now he would not leave me!!!!!

I went near him and tried waking him up

S- Virat, Virat wake up!

V- Let me sleep for some more time,

S- See the time

V- 9:00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He literally shouted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

S- Are you planning on making me deaf or what!!!!

V- Why didn't you wake me earlier 

S- I thought you might be tired

S- I have made breakfast, come fast 

V- No Need!! I will make my own

S- OK, suit yourself

 Saying this I went out

I made Waffles

I even made them for him because I know he is late and he will simply eat mine, I just can't risk mine, you know🤷‍♀️

As usual he came out and was going to grab my plate and forwarded another one

S- I know you Well enough now!🙄😑

He just smiled as a child getting caught in a mischief

We both had our breakfast and left 

I reached college 

J- Hi Sai

S- Hi Jess, Hi Alexia

A- Hi

We reached our class and our first lecture started 

J- That class was very boring 

A- Ya, It surely was

We were going to canteen, that's when I saw 

Some Boys were ragging some some junior girls

I reached near them and held a boy by his collar 

S- What are you trying to do!!!!!

B1- Leave me!

S- I asked you something!

B2- Like you don't know, he smirked

I left him and a boy came and held my wrist and immediately jerked his hand and slapped him

S- Don't you dare touch me!

and went near the girl who was sitting kneel down and crying 

S- And any other girl of the college, otherwise the outcome won't be good!

B1- I will not forget this slap

S- You Better not!

and they ran away

G- Thank you, Thank You So much 

S- It's Fine, You can go to your class

J- OMG! Sai 

A- You were amazing!

I just smiled

J- you were just so brave!

S- We are getting late, let us go!

I wanted to end the topic, So ya🤷‍♀️

We went to our Class and attended our lectures.

Today I reached home a little late 

V- You are late

S- I had to go the library

V- ok

S- had your dinner?

V- not yet, waiting for you

S- Waiting for me? ( shocked )

V- I thought of making pasta, so wanted to confirm the recipe

S- oh ok, I will freshen up and come

I went to my room, kept my things and headed to the washroom

Virat's POV: -

I went to her room to see is she was done, 

she came running and screaming out of the washroom and we collided!

We Both had fallen on the bed, She was below me and I was on her

Her hair strands were covering her face, I removed them

and raised my eyebrows and asked her what happened she said

S- Chipkali!!!!!!!!

I was laughing looking at her😆, she is scared of lizards

She hit me lightly,

S- Run it away, please 🥺

I stood up from her and went to the washroom 

And threw the lizard out

I came out and asked 

V- You are scared of a lizard!

S- They are so creepy and so disgusting... ewwww!

S- You are making fun of me

She said it and made a angry pout

I don't know how in the world a thought popped up into my mind  "I just wanted to kiss that pout"

S- I am asking you something

V- No, I was just shocked

S- 😏

V- let us eat the Pasta!

S- ok 

Sai's POV: -

We made our pasta, he is not a bad cook either

S- it's yummy!

V- Seriously?

S- yes

V- Thank you 

and he took a bow down

I just smiled at him... 

He looked at me and then we both laughed


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Target: - 40 votes

Increased the target because I need time writing ...


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