His Anger😤

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Virat's POV: -

I thought of talking to her 

I was going to her room

V- I think I should give her some time alone

I looked towards her room's door and left for my room

Sai's POV: -

I woke up in the morning, only to see myself sleep in sitting position

I got up, and went to the washroom 

Switched on the shower, went near the basin and splashed water on my face looked at myself in the mirror 

S- I am brave, I can stand up for myself... But this { tears welled up in her eyes }

{ she went in the shower and sat down and started crying badly }

{ 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 }

I got up, I was not in the condition of going to college

but I can't afford to take a day off just because of that professor

I got dressed and left early, I just can't face Virat, If see him I know, I will lose my control and will start crying again

I got in car, and drove to the college 

I stood at the gate 

I can't go in!!!🥺

I drove to a nearby lake 

It was very silent there, I was alone 

after sometime I went back and called Jess, 


S- Hi

J- Hello, you are not at college today 

S- I... I am not well (lie)

J- I will send you the notes and all 

S- ok

J- When will you join back

S- I don't know?

J- Oh ok, Get well soon!

S- bye!

J- Bye!



V- You left early today?

S- aaa... um... yes! Had some work!

V- OK!

V- she is behaving weird! in mind

I was not able to go my college for the next one week 

Virat's POV: -

Something is really off about her, She is never so quiet

Skipping on meals... I was Hella confused

We both were having breakfast this morning, and she went to her room leaving her phone on the table

Her friend was calling her again and again, So I thought of receiving it


J- Hi Sai, Are you fine now?

V- Hello, Sai is actually in the washroom right now

J- Oh OK, Is she fine now?

V- What happened to her?

J- She is not coming to college from the past week, and she isn't receiving my calls!

V- 🤨

V- Ya, She is fine now!

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