Chapter 7: The Phantom from Earth-2

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Paul started to think about what he could do for Lucifer so that he didn't have to deal with this Phantom. AJ says "Dad? You ok?" Lucifer says "I'm fine, AJ. I promise." AJ nods and says "But you don't have to worry, I came back to deal with this Phantom from Earth-2." Lucifer looks at his and says "No, you're not going near this Phantom, and that's final." Lucifer goes into the kitchen to get drinks and AJ says "But Dad-" 

Lucifer yelled, "I said no, AJ!" AJ says "But Dad it's the only reason, I'm here. And I get that you don't want me hurt, but please. Please just let me do it. We're a family. We protect each other." Emma sees Lucifer is hesitant to let his son go after the Phantom, Lucifer says "Ok, look. I'm sorry I yelled. But A parent's job is to protect their kid no matter what. If something happens to you, and I could have prevented it. I'm not letting you do it."

Emma says "Honey, He's 18. He's an Adult." Lucifer looks at Emma and says "I don't care if he's an Adult. I care that he's safe, not if he's an adult." AJ says "Dad, you can't keep protecting me." Lucifer says "I'll protect you if I have to. You're my son." Emma says "Sam. This is why he came back. Let him do what he was sent here to do." Lucifer shakes his head no and says "I'm dealing with the Phantom. I can handle him as long as he doesn't take my DNA."

AJ says "That's why I am here. He does take your DNA and I've come here to stop him from taking it. He can't take my DNA cause I'm half-human." Lucifer says "AJ. This is the last time I'm going to tell you. No, you're not going after the Phantom. He's more powerful than a half-Seraphim half-human child." AJ says "Dad, please." Lucifer yelled with his eyes Red "I SAID NO!"

AJ stepped back a little scared of his Dad. Emma says "Honey, calm down." as she steps closer. Lucifer looks at her and she cups his cheek and when she did that his Eyes turn back to their normal color. Lucifer realizes that he just scared his son and says "AJ, I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to scare you." AJ says "It's fine. Just be careful, Dad." AJ goes over to the couch and sits down. Lucifer feels like an ass now.

Emma sees Lucifer didn't mean to scare him and hugs him and says "I know you didn't mean to scare him, Honey. It's alright." She pulls back from the hug but puts her arms around his neck and Lucifer says "It's not alright. Yelled at our son for wanting to protect me. I just can't stand to see him hurt, but I'll hurt him by yelling at him." Emma says "Sammy." Lucifer looks at her and says "You've never called me Sammy. Not even when I first meet you." Emma says "I actually have. I saw you writing your note, and I said, Sammy."

Lucifer begins to have a Flashback

Lucifer was writing a note. Emma saw him at a table sitting down and she said, "Sammy, what are you doing?" Lucifer turns around and says "Well, you were asleep. I was leaving a note to say I have to leave." Emma says "You have to go?" Lucifer nods. Emma gets outta bed and sits on Lucifer's lap and says "When do I get to see you again?" Lucifer shrugs and says "I don't know. I have to go back home." 

Emma says "I thought that your father kicked you out?" Lucifer says "He did. I have to go back home to my second home after I was kicked out of my first home." Emma says "So Hell?" Lucifer says "What?" Emma says "I know you're the real Devil. I saw you're dad talking to you with your brother." Lucifer says "I'm sorry, I didn't tell you, but I was afraid that you wouldn't accept me as me. Lucifer." 

Emma smiles and says "You'll always be Sam Fontana to me." Lucifer smiles and says "I have to go back to Hell. Dad, he wants me back there." Emma says "I don't want you to go, Sam." Lucifer smiles and says "I know, Em. But He wants me back there, and I can't fight him again. I'll lose." Emma says "Please, don't go." Lucifer says "I'm sorry, Em. But Dad wants me to, and He doesn't like it when I'm not at my post." 

Emma says "Will you be back at least?" Lucifer says "I'll try to, and with the little time I've had with you. I've fallen in love with you." Emma says "I love you, Sam." Lucifer says "I love you, Emma." they kiss and when they were done they put their foreheads together and look deep into each other's eyes. After 3 minutes of staring at each other. Lucifer pecks her lips and says "I have to go." Emma gets up and lets Lucifer get up.

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