Chapter 10: The Bullying

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Emma walks up and sees that she was in her and Lucifer's bed and she turns and sees Lucifer sleeping. She was surprised to see him. She was asleep on the couch and he must have brought her to their bed. Lucifer put an arm around her and held her close. She smiled and kissed his forehead. She held him close by putting his head on her chest. Lucifer just slept holding her. She smiled while cuddling. 

She was happy he was home. She wanted to get up but couldn't. But she put his head on the pillow, got up, kissed his forehead, went to the bathroom, and used it. Then went downstairs and saw AJ and Ava downstairs already talking. AJ saw Emma and says "Hey, Mom. Dad still asleep?" Emma says "Yeah. He must be exhausted." AJ says "He did fight his doppelganger. They both were panting."

Emma asks "What happened on Earth-2?" AJ says "Well, at first he pretended to be Lucifer of that Earth and it was going great. We met that Earth's Maze and then after all that we went to Heaven to see what it looked like and it was completely dark. Not like how Heaven is in the future. Then Lucifer Morningstar came and they fought. And after Dad won he put him in Hell of Earth-2 and Dad saw why he tried to kill you."

Emma says "Why?" Then she heard footsteps and it was Lucifer coming down. Lucifer says "'Cause you look like his late girlfriend that died." Emma says "I'm dead on Earth-2?" Lucifer says "Your name over there was Olivia Winchester." Emma had a surprised look and say "Did you just say, Winchester?" Lucifer nods. Emma says "That was my father's last name, but he wasn't a part of my life so I took on my mother's last name which is Waters." 

Lucifer says "Looks like you had a completely different life on Earth-2, Love." Emma says "What happened to the point I'm dead on Earth-2?" Lucifer didn't want to say but took a deep breath and says "Dagon stabbed you in the chest." Emma was shocked that her future brother-in-law of Earth-2 would do something like that. She was relieved that it wasn't Dagon of Earth-1.

AJ says "Uncle Dag did that?" Lucifer says "Yes, but not the Uncle Dag you know, son." AJ says "I can't believe that. You and he are close." Lucifer says "Yeah, but there I abandoned him in Hell. He did it cause of me leaving Hell on Earth-2. And Lucifer abandoned him because of Olivia. Then Dagon decided all on his own that he will kill the girl that stole his brother from him." Emma looked at him and looked shocked. Lucifer looked at her and he could see she was scared. Like that was going to happen to her.

Lucifer says "Love? Are you okay?" Emma stared at him And Lucifer knew what that meant and Said, "Dagon would not do that to you here, Emma. He thinks you're perfect for me. Remember?" Emma nodded and said, "I know, but it doesn't mean I won't be scared it happens here." Lucifer cups her cheek and says "If anyone so more than lays a finger on you." His eyes go red and says "I'LL MAKE THEM REGRET EVER TOUCHING YOU." His Eyes go dim and Emma smiled at him

She cupped his cheek and says "I know, you'll protect me. Even our kids." AJ smiles and says "He does. In the future I mean. He protects us all. He made it... I guess his mission in life in to protect us no matter what. Dad never lets up on someone who hurts any of us. Even the bullies me and Sophia had in school." Lucifer and Emma say in unison "Bullies?" AJ then saw panic in their eyes and said, "No, it's alright. Dad handled them. By handling them I mean showing them his red eyes."

Emma smacks Lucifer and he says "Ow! What was that for?" Emma says "You terrorize children?" Lucifer says "That's future me, not me now. We don't have anyone bullying Ava. Not till we have AJ mad Sophia." Ava then tried to sneak back upstairs but a noise was made and everyone looked up at her. Ava smiled and says "Hi Daddy. Hi Mommy." Lucifer says "Sweetheart? Why are you going back upstairs? Especially since we're talking about bullies."

Ava says "Uh, I mean, um..." Lucifer says "Is someone bullying you?" Ava says "What?! No... No... I... I don't h-have bullies." Emma says "Honey you know you can tell us anything, right?" Ava nods and says "Okay. Ever since you and Dad told everyone at school that Jon isn't my dad they have started to make fun of me for being a mistake." Lucifer's eyes turn red and they were bright than ever have been. AJ saw that and says "Now, I know why dad does that. Cause it happened to Ava, then us."

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