Chapter 11: Healing A Broken Man

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It was a week later after seeing Orpheus and Learning Ava has a bully. AJ was sitting down bouncing his leg up and down like he was nervous about something or worried. Lucifer says "AJ? You okay, Son?" AJ nods and says "Yeah, but... I have to go back to the future." Emma heard that from the kitchen and walks over and says "Already?" AJ saw the sadness in his mother's eyes and says "Mom, I got to. I got to ensure the timeline stays in place and nothing has changed except two things. Orpheus is a part of our lives and Ramiel not taking all of dad's DNA. I did all that."

Emma looked sad at the fact he's got to go back. Lucifer says "Son, Stay for one more week. Give your mother time to process, then come and say goodbye." AJ says "I actually would like to go home, now." Emma says "What's so important there anyway? This is your home, just in the past." AJ says "Mom, I got to protect the timeline. Our number one rule is to never break the timeline. Grandpa could fix it, but... I don't want to be responsible for something I didn't mean to happen." Lucifer was about to say something when a portal opens in front of them. Someone steps through and it was Lucifer Morningstar.

Lucifer says "How?" Lucifer E-2 says "I pretended to be broken in front of Cass." Lucifer says "What did you do?" Lucifer E-2 says "Don't worry. I just knocked your little brother out. That's all. If you think I'd kill my sibling you're messed up in the head." Lucifer says "You killed Dagon on Earth-2." Lucifer E-2 says "He killed my girlfriend and unborn daughter! I think I had the right to do that." Lucifer says "He may have killed Olivia and your daughter..." Lucifer E-2 tells "Ava." Lucifer looked at him and he says "Olivia wanted to have a daughter named Ava. She did. She just was never born. Thanks to my brother."

Lucifer says "They wouldn't want you to go down this path, Lucifer." Lucifer E-2 says "What would you know!" Lucifer yells "I have the same family as you! I have a daughter just like you did. All I want to do is protect her, but there are days I can't! And I hate it! But I know that deep down Emma and Ava would not want me to do something that I would regret. Cause they love me, just like Olivia and your Ava loved you." Lucifer E-2 starts to have a tear break free and a sniffle is heard. 

Lucifer says "You can't change the past, Lucifer. All you can do is move forward and hope that things will be better. Don't live in the past as you have been, move forward, for them."Lucifer E-2 says "How can I move forward, when everyone I love is gone? My girlfriend! My unborn daughter! They're gone! Cause of me." He began to cry just letting the tears fall. He falls to his knees crying, then a bright white light appeared. 

Of course, it was Paul or God. Paul smiles at Lucifer of Earth-2 and how he's acting human. He wanted that for that Lucifer but ultimately failed. Paul says "Hello, Son." Lucifer E-2 looks up at Paul and says "Father?" Lucifer was uneasy about Lucifer Morningstar near his father. Paul says "I'm sorry, Son. That you had that loss when I left. I was hoping that everyone there enjoyed me not bossing them around. To let you have free will, the will you always wanted."

Lucifer E-2 looks at him and says "Please bring them back, Father. I'll do as you ask... Go where you want me to. All I ask is... Is that you bring them back and let them live, please? This is all I will ask of you. I've lost my mind without them. I... I can't live without them, I can't." Lucifer began to cry at that as he remembers what he said to his father before.


Lucifer went to see his dad after he went to hell to see if his girlfriend and son were there. Even though he knew that they wouldn't be there, he was just making sure. He called for his father after he flew up the top of a tall building. God came down and saw his son and said, "What do you want, Son?" Lucifer asked, "Are my son and his mother in heaven?" He said, "They are, Son." Lucifer says "Please take care of him and his mother." He said, "I will, Son." Lucifer looks at his father with such a look and says "Don't hurt them, Father. No hitting." 

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