London's Calling.

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Yes, it's me. It's my turn. I'm Fabia, the love of Akashia's life, but I'll warn you beforehand, she can be a selfish bitch, that doesn't stop me from loving her, sometimes I wished I could. The day of Callum, Mikeli, Valeria and Jose's arrival was a long one, Akashia and i chilled out in the lounge.

I looked at Akashia and said, "I know you're attracted to Valeria. I can't stop you from pursuing her, but should you, I hope to the gods you don't ruin our relationship with Callum?"

Akashia takes me by the hand and she tells me, "I love you, you're my wife and the only woman I'd hold dear in my heart, well over two thousand years we've been a couple, we'll always be a couple. I won't be trying to ruin anything."

I smiled, i was happy to have heard that response. Akashia has been able since the moment we were turned to keep me out of her head, i can pick up on vibes, but not get into her head. Two thousand years ago, when we first met, i was always the most influential of our relationship, but  Akashia was the bravest, she dared to defy her family and her tribe to hold onto me, the woman she held dearer than her own mother. Akashia in Egypt grew tired of me and had multiple affairs, some i knew of, some i didn't, but i always knew that it was my bed she came home to at night. I was tolerant of affairs of the heart to a point, if it ruins my relationships with others, then i become more powerful than my wife. The rage is always held down by the mere embrace of love.

Mikeli and Jose asked everyone to join them in the pool, they obviously finished their sordid little entanglement away from everyone else. Akashia and i had our bathing suits in the cupboards near the pool Akashia sent me to fetch them. Callum and Valeria had been unpacking in their room hardly speaking to each other, Valeria was putting on her bathing suit in the bathroom, Callum was already wearing his under his clothes, he knew we had a pool.

Callum shouts into the bathroom, "I'll see you at the pool," slamming the door as he left.
The slamming of the door jolted Valeria as they never had such a strained moment in their married lives. Valeria is crying and those with a heightened sense of hearing heard her, including Callum, but it was Akashia that went to her.

Akashia made her excuses and went straight her room, knocking on the door she hears, "come in," in a soft tone.

Akashia asks, "why are you crying?" Valeria standing by the bathroom mirror not looking up, not answering her, the mascara running down her face.

Akashia swooped towards her, she picks up a tissue and wipes away her tears, she says, "come on darling, don't let that stupid brute make you feel bad. I know his temper, I know how uncomfortable he can make one feel. Let's go to the pool and enjoy some drinks."

Valeria looks up, she smiled, "you're not just beautiful outside, but within, you're the most beautiful."

Akashia blushed, she tells her "you hardly know who I am, yet you sense vibes, that's why I feel you should get as you please."

Akashia replied, "you'll get what you want, it won't be by Callum's hand but by mine, I shall overrule anything he says, you watch. Callum needs to let go of a millennia of hurt."

Valeria soon cheers up, the two walk towards the pool where everyone is waiting for them. Callum looks up and holds his hand out to Valeria, he took her in his arms and he tried to kiss her but she swerved her head. Callum was annoyed by this he got out of the pool and began pouring drinks for everyone. Akashia told me all this after I asked her, why she went to her.

The evening after all the previous insecurities, ended with everyone laughing and Valeria in Callum's arms. This night is when Akashia began her plan of turning Valeria, she knows Callum won't do it, but she will do it in a way that no one is blamed but her, the gods wanted Valeria, they told Akashia this in a message. Callum would believe it to be lies as he doesn't have their ear, i knew too, but i won't know how it's to happen, im not allowed to see all, not like Akashia does.

Akashia has to get to know her without getting inside her head, but she did on that first meeting, but she was told no more, to get to know her on a human level to begin with. The day after the night before everyone was hungover and starving, Mikeli and Jose were up first, they cooked breakfast for everyone, they just hadn't made coffee, I was still fast asleep, i would sleep all day after drinking heavily the night before, Akashia kissed me on my forehead and flew downstairs and she put a drop of her blood inside the cup of coffee for Valeria, no one noticed her doing it.

Callum and Valeria were soon coming down the stairs hand in hand, they don't feel as hungover as everyone else, but they were hungry. Valeria takes the cup of coffee with Akashia's blood in it, she drinks it and begins on her crepes. Valeria announces that everyone should head out today, for some shopping and sightseeing?

Callum laughs, "how much are you going to max my cards out with today, my darling?"

Valeria has an air of power about her today, she says, "your cards? You mean our cards, darling."

Callum taps her on her backside and says, "my, my aren't you feisty today? Are you still drunk?"

Valeria sternly replies, "not drunk sweetheart, just being honest."

Akashia looks as though she's silently cheering her on inside.

Callum asks, "where is that beautiful wife of yours? Isn't she eating with us?"

Akashia replies, "when she's drank heavily, she can barely surface the next day, I have to give her a drip of blood, she doesn't handle alcohol well, you know that, she never could."

"I remember, I take it she's not joining us on our outing today?" Callum enquired.

Akashia replied, "she's not no, it'll just be the five of us."

Mikeli asks, "dear sister, you would leave your suffering wife and come out with us?"

Akashia puts her hand on her brothers shoulder and replies, "brother, she isn't a ball and chain and neither am I, that's the term these days? Isn't it?"

Mikeli looked at her strangely and says, "well if that's the case, where are we going?"

Akashia told the group they're not that far from London, it's a couple of hours drive away and if they want to spend big they can there, she also mentions she needs to pick up a cheque and to go to the bank. The man who bought our haul was in London and he wouldn't send the money to Henrik that he wanted to meet his creator for himself.

It was soon everyone is dressed and ready to go to London, Akashia kissed me on my sleeping cheek, waking me up fully. I had been listening to everyone talking, she told she that she is going to London to collect our money and she will buy me a gift from London.

I mumbled, "have a good day darling, I love you."

Akashia replied, "I love you too, sleep well."

Akashia knew that i would be awake when they returned and will have cooked us all a feast. The saddest thing of all is that i knew little of what's to happen soon, but it may or may not be for the best? The world would soon know. The group arrived in London, Callum drove as he didn't trust Akashia behind the wheel, he was right as she had only just learned, as good as she was, she didn't know London, Callum and Valeria had been to London a lot over the years. The roads were bad due to the amount of traffic. Mikeli and Jose constantly complaining about how cold it was, even though they're not supposed to feel it, but they can feel the sun.

It was during that car ride that Akashia got to know more about Jose. Jose met Mikeli when they were both in the army and when the Spanish invaded Mexico, they hated how the Spanish treated the local indigenous peoples and they fled from Mexico back to northern Spain where they wouldn't be discovered. Many of the northern Spanish wouldn't take part in Spains conquering of Mexico and the rest of South America. Akashia mentioned that she would love to see the west, not America but Mexico and the south, Mikeli told her that they all should visit one day.

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