Keeping Your Friends Close.

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I have been in Spain by Calcius' cell for weeks. I sit and sing to him, I talk to him and when I need a break, I wander the land that Akashia and I were born on, I miss my wife, but I'm not ready to forgive just yet. I'm also trying to redeem myself with the gods, they were angry as hell with me.

These are my musings, as I wander the world alone for a while. Weeks passed since my departure, Akashia had two calls from me in that time, i was struggling to find a blood bank, Akashia helped me find one. We never once spoke about the future of our relationship. The other call was to speak to Mikeli and Jose who were both shocked at what's happened.

Akashia knew i was by Calcius' prison, I could gain passes to visit him in his casket. Akashia watched me wander lands we both hadn't stepped foot in, in thousands of years. I informed her that I had traveled to the land of their birth and homes, a place now covered in large houses and pools, but it retained the forest area, where myself and Akashia used to hunt was still there, in the forest the stone circle was still barely visible, where i and my kin used to worship the gods was still there, i took pictures of the area and sent them to her.

Akashia was sad that I'm doing this alone without her, but she has also had to show Valeria the ropes of being a Strix. Valeria was struggling in the beginning, at first she mourned over Calcius, then she felt the pang of guilt over what happened between them and how it caused a huge friction between Akashia and i.

Akashia and Valeria had been alone in the house for weeks, Valeria promising to stand firm in her quest to be a true Strix. Akashia has a high sex drive, but Valeria won't entertain her, Akashia tried to seduce her multiple times, again and again she rebuffed her, she had to resort to her toys.

Mikeli and Jose suggest they all go to Spain, that Akashia and i needed to sort things out.

Mikeli told them that he heard Valeria communing with the gods, he overheard her say, "I'll get them to Spain."

Akashia realised then that she hasn't heard anything from them since i left. Akashia knew this was their anger towards us, mostly her as i never heard them, their anger was for being insolent and angry towards each other for things that they could've rectified. I never had been this jealous before, which will be harder for things to be fixed.

Akashia had Mikeli book them all to visit Spain, Mikeli and Jose told everyone that their home is suitable and big enough for them all. Mikeli found out where the exact location of the vampire prison was, it was in a cemetery not far from the town near where they lived. Mikeli asks Akashia to walk with him, she knows what he's going to ask and she's got the answer already.

Mikeli and Akashia walk outside to the edge of the property, near the woods and he says, "sis, what the fuck were you thinking, I get you had an order but Fabia has stood by you in human form and in this one. Fabia is your wife, she's my sister and I miss her. Do you even miss her? I've heard you trying to seduce Valeria many times in the weeks she's been gone. I'm not saying Valeria is a bad person as the gods believe she's pure enough to have the same gifts as you. Why break her heart?"

Akashia spins around and answers, "brother, I still love my wife dearly, but as you know I had an order. The gods want Valeria, I knew that I would've bedded her before I got the order but I had to preemptively protect her. I am gutted that Fabia isn't at home and I miss her but brother, I think we needed the space, two thousand years is a very long time. I'm sure you've been fed up with Jose over the years?"

Mikeli looks at her strangely and replies, "for gods sake Kash, you had both been sleeping for two thousand years, I heard of your escapades in Egypt, in other lands but you always went back to the woman you hold dearest."

Akashia begins sobbing and tells her brother that she will try her hardest to win her wife back.

Akashia and Mikeli were walking back towards the house and he says, "sis, there's something you don't know, while you and Fabia were sleeping, there was two wars, one you know about and one you don't. The vampires and the werewolves and elitist vampires against those that used to be slaves to the shadows. In the last nine hundred years, a cabal of elitist vampires made a group, it's strictly members only, sis, they're anti Strix. I know from experience they divide and conquer, if they hear you and Fabia have split, they would love to have a Strix within their ranks."

Akashia pulls her brother by the arm, she says, "look at me, why didn't you tell me before?"

Mikeli couldn't get his words out, she looks towards the sky and yells "why haven't you? Is this damn punishment for Fabia and i's long slumber?"

Mikeli is slightly scared, he then says, "please don't anger them anymore, I'm sure this is why they had you create Valeria? Haven't you thought this strange?"

Akashia sits down on the grass and says, "actually brother, it makes perfect sense. If Fabia and I don't get our shit together, then we will be pulled back and she will be the main Strix?"

It was then Akashia for the first in a while heard the gods, they finally said, "you were created to help protect this planet, yes we didn't like the fact you slept but it didn't anger us, you deserved a reward. Valeria has skills that neither you or Fabia possess and that's the gift of telepathy, she just never tapped into it. We will help with that. Valeria will be instrumental in helping taking down this cabal. You were all created equal except for the vampires but they're still your kin. They're an extension of you and us but they are not better than us or the people they've terrorised for nearly a millennia. Now go and find your wife before they find her and get her onside."

Akashia gets up off the grass, she and Mikeli head inside and order everyone to pack as they're going to Spain. Valeria told Akashia that she and Jose are packed already and the tickets are booked. Jose booked a car to take them to the airport, their flight is in three hours time.

The car arrives, Mikeli and Jose takes all their luggage and passports, while Valeria and Akashia sweep through the house to lock the doors, windows and set the alarm. The four of them arrive at the airport, the flight is on time and they're to fly into Malaga airport, Mikeli and Jose's home is in Marbella, they have booked a car to take them straight there.

Mikeli called his friend Alonso and asked him to stock his fridge with extra blood for the extra guests. Mikeli has kept tabs on me since i had been gone and I am staying in a hotel near their home. Mikeli revealed this to Akashia that he's been watching her phone, he connected his to hers before she left, in fact he connected all of theirs. Mikeli always said to himself through the centuries, that to keep one step ahead of everyone he seen as an enemy, he would keep his friends close and his enemies closer.

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