Time Will Tell.

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All hail... nah just kidding, its me the lovely Úrsula, mostly known as Hecate. My husband and I have returned after a glorious honeymoon. After a long honeymoon travelling the world, we returned. In the vampire world, there has never been an event like this ever, i returned pregnant, the dates added to after i was turned. Carmella as much as she was delighted, she is devastated to have to share her me with more than one person.

Instead of deep seated jealousy, Carmella decided to throw herself into her college work, she found a place of her own and feigned happiness for our news. Carmella didn't even want to know how such a thing could happen? In fact everyone else did, Akashia asked the gods and they were as confused as to how it happened too. The only way this could've happened was magick being involved. Akashia made it her business to find out, if magick helped them, it's up to Akashia to find out. Akashia told Fabia she was coming to see Graham and i, if she wanted to come, she must know they're here on a fact finding mission.

Fabia asked, what might the mission be? Fabia knew it because I'm pregnant. Akashia told her, that it was the reason, they knew i used magick to get pregnant, i can't be helping people to do the same. Fabia didn't think it was magick, she was right, Fabia knew it wasn't magick, the gods would've sensed it. After all, i was a goddess. Akashia told her wife to make up her mind quickly as they need to get going. Fabia decided to stay and enjoy some peace and quiet. Akashia told me about their little spat once she got here.

Akashia arrives at Graham and i's home a few hours after she heard the news, she knocked on the door a few times as it's taken a long time for us to answer, we were making love. Akashia waited for a few more minutes and walked around the back and let herself in.

I came down, Akashia was walking towards our stairs "ah, it's just you. I thought it was those damn Jehovah's Witnesses again. What brings you all the way out here?"

I called Graham to tell him we have a visitor. Akashia blurted out, "how is it, that you a vampire has became pregnant, to another vampire? You know this should be impossible? Unless you've used your gifts of course?"

I sit down as although I've just made love, i looked paler than ever, i answered, "Akashia, I don't know, it was a huge shock to us too. We don't know either, but Graham is going to have my womb checked once the baby is born, your friends in the medical community have offered to do tests on me and Graham. Graham is having his semen tested next week. We are as confused as everyone. There must be a reason why Graham and I have been given this gift?"

Akashia nodded, "there has to be, unless you used magick to attain it?"

I was incensed and angrily replied, "wouldn't the gods know if i had used magick? Wouldn't the witches? We are as oblivious as you. So don't come into our home, accuse us of upsetting your precious balance, we know this is wrong."

Akashia profusely apologised as Graham walked downstairs and said, "congratulations, I hope this baby is the special gift the world needs?"

Graham scolded Akashia too, after all she deserved it.

Akashia begs Graham's forgiveness, he said, "as long as you let us discover how this came to be in our own time and in privacy?"

Akashia weeped, "I am sorry, I agree this baby was granted to you for a reason, we just need to know how it happened. I have came to the consensus now that you've not used magick. Both of you forgive my ignorance and trespassing of your peace. I'll go now and leave you both alone."

I felt a little guilty about how I spoke to her, I tell her to stay, let Graham make her some food. I knew she would normally be sitting down and having a late evening snack with Fabia. I knew Fabia also loved her peace and quiet.

Akashia sits down and said, "you're right, a meal would be great. Thank you."

I couldn't keep anything down except the blood, i looked really sick. I know the first trimester is trying for any woman, but i looked like I was at deaths door.

Then it made Akashia wonder, "is Diana possibly behind this? I have always wondered why a woman that kept a child away from her mother for so long, to let her go without a fight? You did say she's practicing ancestral magick again? Maybe she has done this?"

I shook my head in disagreement, "this isn't her style, she would know exactly where Carmella is, she would take her back to spite me. I'd know if it was her magick, this necklace she gave me is a talisman, it's a link to her. If she makes a move the necklace would let me know. Unless it's been de-spelled?"

Akashia says, "take it off and let me feel it. If magick still exists in it, I'd feel it."

I gave her the necklace and as soon as she touched it, it gave her a shock, which means there's still magick within the necklace, it's protected from the touch of the Strix.

I said, "see, told you, she hasn't unlinked it from me. It's her way of keeping an eye on me, she might be spiteful but she'll always love me, she'll always want to know what Carmella is doing and where Carmella is. It's not her, in fact her magick hasn't got this strength. We will know when he or she is born and when we test Grahams swimmers next week."

Graham and Akashia sit down to eat, i sit and have a glass of water and a blood bag with them. It's all i can have. Over dinner Graham tells Akashia about our honeymoon, the places we visited, our first place was Greece.

Then it hit Akashia, "you were born there, the gods that were your leaders back then, the ones that gave birth to you, maybe they were involved? Didn't you and Hades have a hand in kidnapping your niece? Maybe they plan to take your baby when he or she is born?"

I replied, "Akashia, it's possible but unlikely, I made peace with my family thousands of years ago. They're no longer gods, I'm sure the Strix gods will confirm this?"

Akashia asks the question mentally and they agreed with me. I said, "I'm going to lie down, I've six more months of this, I was never like this with Cop... I mean Carmella. It was straightforward. I'll see you again soon Akashia."

Akashia wishes us farewell and she will see us soon, she also asked Graham to send the results of his tests as soon as he gets them. Graham assured her she will be the first to know. Akashia left our house and the whole way home she is going through every piece of magick she knows, she thinks that hard she gets a headache. Akashia resigns herself to waiting on Graham's test results.

I have no idea how this happened, but after Akashia left, i was soon psychically connected to her and Fabia. I began seeing and hearing their conversations when she arrived home. As Akashia arrived home, Fabia was in the pool naked and begged Akashia to join her, who said that she will once she has a lie down.

Fabia asks if she's ok? Akashia replies, "honey, I've been overthinking and overwhelmed with this baby business. I hope you'll come up with an answer, it's exhausting me."

Fabia replies, "I have, it's natural. Their love is pure, Grahams diet is amazing, he's been that way for over a thousand years, Hecate is strong and a womb that sustained life even though she's immortal once before. It's a natural occurrence, you'll see. It's their genetics baby. You mark my words. Now have a quick rest as I desire you."

Akashia thought about what Fabia said, she replied, "I think you're right."

Akashia jumps in the pool and makes love frantically. It soon cleared her headache. Akashia gets out of the pool and looks at
Fabia and says, "time will tell babe, time will tell." I must learn not to listen in anymore. It's an invasion of privacy."

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