It Must Be Witches?

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It's me Akashia again, after what we all discovered, we all needed to pull together and pool our resources, to help end this disgusting feud. The next day after everyone realised what was truly going on. The group mainly Henrik was tasked to discover who wanted to gain their strength and skills?

Henrik and Sandra knew many famous people, especially those in power, not just in England but around the world. Henrik knew an MP from England that would help, he knows about Henrik and he knows he can trust him. Henrik called the man, he was in the perfect position to keep his ears to the ground.

The MP was asked by Henrik to try and get into places where he can find out who is trying to entice the vampires out. The man overheard a conversation between two colleagues from the opposite end of the aisle, they were talking about getting close to supernatural beings that would keep them in power forever. The MP heard that they were listening on message boards, social media, some even approached GHCQ to put surveillance on people they suspected as vampires.

The MP heard from the conversation that they had the names and addresses of confirmed vampires. The man calls Henrik, Henrik had a system in place, it was in the newspaper, where he placed an ad. The ad is a nod to vampires that they've been discovered. Henrik has swore that it works, as he has a shell company tied to the ad.

The MP told Henrik that he got the names of the vampires they've found. Henrik told the group that he knew them and they buy the paper daily and they look for ad's placed by him, once they see any ad they go into hiding. Valeria sensed that Henrik was right, they read the article and they're gone. Henrik calls the MP and thanks him for his help, the MP in return usually gets some campaign donations from Henrik for his due diligence.

Valeria tells the group, "that's one government, there's governments across the world, what do you have in place for those vampires?"

Henrik explains, "that it's the same system, it costs Henrik a fortune but if it saves a life. He isn't concerned about his wealth dwindling."

The vampires that seen the ad, they call Henrik and ask what's going on?"

Henrik explains that "those in power are trying to entice vampires to turn them to keep them in power forever."

Valeria, myself and Fabia ask, "Henrik, do you have a list of all newly turned vampires? What age is the youngest?"

Henrik thinks for a moment and says, "Mik, Jose can I use your computer to access mine? I have a list on my computer."

Jose answers for them both, he tells him that he can easily remotely access his computer from theirs. Henrik finally gets into his computer, he religiously lists all the newly turned, each has a pinpoint of their exact location. The newly turned even though, they must seek permission from their creators to turn anyone else. These newbies can be easy to manipulate as Henrik discovered in the past, he turned his best friend, who wiped out entire villages.

Henrik had to cut his head off, but of course he never revealed that to anyone, vampires can usually only be killed by the Strix. Henrik thought given what his friend had done, he felt justified in killing him. The Strix never retaliated, which gave him some certainty that they allowed it.

Henrik was scrolling down the list, the last person turned was from his bloodline, it was almost five years ago. Henrik noticed something odd, it was like the person dropped off the radar.

Sandra looked again and said, "that was Laura, you remember how she came to our home? We let her stay? The girls didn't like her and neither did you?"

Henrik thinks for a moment and answers, "thanks honey, I do indeed. I think she could be a leak? If I recall correctly, I found the layout of my computer different, I smelled her cheap perfume on the keys? I wondered why? I went to the room we let her have and she was gone? Do you think she would be stupid enough to give this information to those in power?"

I then tell them, "it's her, it never made sense to me why the gods never pulled Fabia and I back while we slept. I always wondered why they were so keen to keep countries separated, no one should have the power over the whole planet. Which is why, they kept us around and created another. They seen this coming. They knew that someone would blab to the mortals, so, it was those books that piqued the interest of those that are elected to rule. We need a meeting with vampires created in the last forty years."

Henrik says, "aside from Laura, I can arrange it. It'll be the same system, I'll place an article in the paper and they'll know where it is and what time. They'll also know it's for the youngsters."

Valeria for the first time compliments Henrik by saying, "Henrik, your system is great. It's anonymous, it seems really secure. I congratulate you."

Henrik laughs, "like I said, seniority and all that."

The meeting will take place in Paris, it's a secluded location and the numbers are not high. The Parisian house is large, it's owned by every vampire on the planet and is used for meetings, to be scolded and sometimes it's used for vampires that have been on the wrong side of their morals. It was probably the house used to decide Calcius' fate of twenty years of starvation? I told everyone to pack, that i will charter a private plane to take us to the location. The lot of us ran around the house grabbing all we needed, in fact the flight would only take an hour or less? I could feel many young vampires scrambling to get to Paris before the meeting.

We all arrived just after the Parisian contingent, we had to wait for vampires from across the world. The young ones already there lined up as Fabia, Valeria and I walked in, bowing as if royalty walked in.

I loudly stated walking past, in French saying, "children, heads high. We are not queens, your elders, your creators but we are not royalty and we shouldn't be treated as such. I get you wanted to show your respect, but by showing up you have shown it. So, from now and pass it around, do not bow in our presence. Do you all understand? Also when you're here, the language will be in English, again pass that along."

Fabia and i found a room, the others too. Henrik explained that there should be around five hundred guests. The ballroom of the sprawling estate should be used as an area for the youngsters to sleep. Then in the day it's to be used for the meetings.

The others began arriving, the house was filling up, the Parisians passed around the message that English is to be spoken and to greet myself, Fabia and Valeria like everyone else. Jose and Mikeli got out the cots, the rules were, 'no arguing, no coupling unless they're already coupled and to only feed after their seniors feed.' Henrik began ticking off each attendee, no Laura though. Henrik told me to try and get the gods to tell her, where Laura is?

The gods tell me that someone in the group knows where she is, the person that knows her isn't there because they're concerned for their safety, they're there to spy. Valeria, Fabia and i are to find out who this spy is and where Laura is. The gods know where she is, but the group is to discover the spy by themselves. The gods won't give them any clues, they must deduce this for themselves. Valeria is perplexed into why she can't sense Laura, she can sense every vampire but her. There must be a reason? Then it hit Fabia and i at the same time, it must be witches?

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