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I'll introduce myself, I'm Valeria. The newly created Strix. I'm here to explain the atmosphere in Akashia and Fabia's home after our tryst, my rebirth and the devastating disposal of my dear husband in a prison for twenty years. Let me tell you, it was heartbreaking, don't be fooled, I wasn't even attracted to Akashia, I wanted something from her, but the gods also wanted something from me.

These are my words. It was days before the subordinates arrived, Callum was fast asleep in the cellar of the house. The subordinates were what the gods called them, but they were just witches, these were the gods witches to be at Akashia's beck and call, they were to take Callum to a holding cell, they take longer as they needed to prepare.

Callum used to be a gladiator, he may not have vampire strength anymore, but he's still a strong man, they need to cleanse themselves and perform a ritual where he's docile for the entire journey, one which he never wakes from, for twenty years at least.

Fabia finally wakes up as she had sensed a new Strix, when she came down and sensed it was me, she broke down in tears, she asked Akashia why didn't she tell her? Akashia told her she was sworn to secrecy, the gods chose her. Fabia asks where Callum is? I was about to tell her and she stops me from saying a word, i told Akashia that i will let them be to speak.

Fabia sits down, then says, "I go to bed last night, I am hungover. I wake to discover my wife has been hiding an important secret from me. That she was to create a Strix without my knowledge, why is it the gods don't speak to me as they do you? What is the meaning of all this? Are you to take Valeria as your bride?"

I can't help but listen in, I'm connected to them both, I hear and see everything. I must learn to not eavesdrop.

Akashia is stood in front of Fabia she says, "let me explain, the gods chose her because she has the purest of hearts, she stood by a man that could've killed her at any moment and he hid that from her, but once she found out, she still loved him anyway. That man in a fit of rage killed her, had I not followed the gods advice, our future would've been precarious. I slipped my blood into her coffee and wine, he caught us having sex, not making love as I am not in love with her. I care deeply for her, but she is now a sister. We must show her the way, if you don't follow the will of the gods Fabia, then you too shall join Calcius."

Fabia demands to see him, Fabia always had a connection with Calcius, when Akashia was plotting the downfall of Rome, it was Calcius that spurred her on to keep her mind occupied. They were like brother and sister. Akashia took Fabia to the room which he was being held in, the cellar below, but when Fabia entered the room, she turns around and told Akashia to leave her alone.

Akashia had no worries that her wife would do anything as stupid as to free him, she knows perfectly well the consequences would be bad for her also. Fabia declared she just wanted to say that she's going to miss him and that she'll see him one day again. The chains the bound Calcius were spelled, not even she could break them, she sat beside his sleeping body and sang songs, songs they used to sing while hunting for food in the tribal areas.

Akashia and I could hear her singing, she heard that Calcius was still asleep, he didn't wake up, he showed he could hear her. Fabia sat with him crying and holding him, like a mother would hold a son. The doorbell rang, it was the witches, this time Calcius woke up, he knew this was his only time to try and break free once the witches had him, but he never spent a lot of time around witches and those things he did remember, didn't matter anymore as these witches were empowered with their own gifts and extra gifts from the gods, powers stronger than an everyday witchcraft practitioner.

The witches were prepared, as soon as they seen Calcius they mumbled a spell, he was soon fast asleep again, they had some pills with them, ones that would keep him asleep for his long sleep and short flight to the vampire prison, which holds nearly a thousand vampires.

Fabia kissed him on his head, while doing so she left a message, she tells him, "once your time is done, come find me and you and I shall seek our vengeance."

Akashia sensed she said something but she didn't know what. Akashia brushed it off, she then approached Calcius as the witches were putting him in a casket, she faced some opposition from Fabia but she calmed her down by saying.

"I just want to say goodbye, please grant me that?"

Fabia steps aside and Akashia says, "I'm sorry, I had orders, in twenty years I hope we can talk about this? See you soon, remember we have all the time in the world to heal old wounds."

The witches tell everyone that they must hurry to catch their flight, then i approached the casket, before closing the lid where his head was resting she says, "you'll always be my husband and I know you still love me as I do you. I'm sorry, we shall meet again."

The witches carried out the casket with the help of Akashia as it was heavy. They loaded him into a truck and drove straight to the airport, they then boarded him onto the flight and straight to the cemetery where the prison is. Akashia walks inside the house and i was standing by the fire crying, i asked Akashia to leave me be while i processed everything,

Akashia nods in agreement and goes looking for Fabia. Fabia is by the pool on their lounger, she is bright red with anger, she scowls at Akashia in a screech.

One never heard before, she yells, "don't come near, I shall tear out your heart."

Sullenly Akashia walks away, she knows that Fabia wouldn't dare, but her anger seems to have reached the gods, they're angered by her temperament.

Akashia says loudly as she walks away, "they're angry with you, they know what you said to Calcius."

Fabia yells back, "I don't care, just leave me be Kash."

Fabia hasn't called her Kash in years, she only ever called her that when annoyed with her in their human forms. Or so I've been told. Akashia goes to an empty room, she took with her a blood bag and she fed until she fell asleep. Akashia woke a few hours later and she went looking for Fabia as she couldn't sleep without her, she checks her room, Fabia was in their bed but she wasn't sleeping, she was lay in their bed in tears, not because of what Akashia did or what the gods wanted, but she missed Calcius.

Fabia had enjoyed having him back, Akashia asks, "may sit by you?"

Fabia replied, "suit yourself, you've been doing an awful lot of that lately."

Akashia sits by their bed and takes her hand and she tries to pull it back but she keeps her hand inside hers, then Fabia says, "it'll take me a while to get used to this new situation, I think we should part for a little while, I think I'll go to Europe for a month or so?"

Akashia looks at her and she tries again to explain everything, but Fabia had made up her mind she packed her bags and booked a ticket for Spain, land she hasn't seen in thousands of years. Akashia asks her if she wants her to drive her to the airport?

Fabia tells her that she booked a car to take her. Fabia kisses Akashia on the cheek and leaves a goodbye letter for Mikeli and Jose. Akashia slides down the front door as Fabia gets into the car, she begins to sob uncontrollably. I could hear her but i knew i couldn't approach her at this moment. I would have to face her at some point but i would leave her be for tonight.

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