Stories Of Yesteryear.

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It seems it's time for my introduction, I'm Copika, the daughter of Hecate and Copernicus, now known as Graham in this modern world, a world I hope to live in harmony with nature and my true parents. It's been weeks since they rescued me, there has been no sign of Diana. Akashia got a message from the gods, that Diana isn't looking for me, she's in love with a female follower, who she brought down to the underworld.

Diana is too entwined with her love affair to even care, it's like a weight has been lifted off her shoulders and she's learning how to use her ancestral magick, something she hasn't used for thousands of years. This calms my true mother, she knows that now she has a new lover, that it'll consume her and the fact she's practicing ancestral magick, she's trying to be good again.

Mother senses she misses me a little, but she's glad I'm gone, something Akashia has confirmed. Father and i spent many days alone together, we were both learning how to tap into magick, it was a form of bonding to us. Mother and father spent more time together and they rediscovered their love for each other, i was falling in love with my father as a daughter should, it was hard not to love him, in fact it was hard not to love any of them. Their house full again, the latest affair more or less settled, but there needed to be someone to watch over Diana and what she may or may not be up to?

We had a meeting one night as it wouldn't be possible for all of us, to live in this house on a long term basis. Father said he and mother and myself could live with him, as mother is much older than them all, she understands this and can help father with his research into how the earths climate has changed. Akashia and Fabia explained we didn't have to leave immediately, but since we were learning to be a family, we did need our own space.

Father feels he can't tell the rest of the vampire community that my mother is here, there's many as old as him and much younger that worshipped her, they would gang up on him and try and take my mother for themselves. This of course made Akashia and Fabia laugh, if anyone would attempt to take her it would be Diana if she ever had the gumption to try. Diana even though she's trying to be good, she's in love for now, she doesn't forget and the fact she's hardwired to hate the Strix, any excuse to mess up Akashia and Fabia's lives and take it all, is something she would be quite capable of if she gains enough power.

The gods quell the fears by saying her practice of ancestral magick won't give her the upper hand, a chance yes, to beat her enemies, no. Not a huge not a chance in hell. Father video called his housekeeper and told her to fix a room for my mother and i. The housekeeper, was definitely perplexed, she knew father was a vampire, how did he have a daughter?

Father compelled her to forget the conversation once she completed her task.

Mother had overheard the conversation and says, "we've shared a bed here, but we're still exes?"

Father grimaced a little and replied, "my dear H, I didn't want to be presumptuous."

Mother answered, "I see, you haven't changed on bit, vampirism usually brings out the worst in people, it hasn't changed you, you put my feelings first as a human and even now as a predator, you're as beautiful as that moment we created our little girl, my Copernicus. But I'll have you know, we shall continue sharing a bed. Our daughter will expect it, we are her parents."

Father smiled and grabbed her and kissed her like he's did in years gone by.

Akashia and Fabia tell our new family that we can stay for as long as we need. Father tells them that it wouldn't be necessary as he's ready to be at home with his girls. Father said he would cook a meal for everyone, so he began cooking and the food was cooked and served up in seconds. Graham had used his powers to make the meal, it certainly was a meal fit for royalty.

Akashia and mother had been online as she was teaching her the computer, they ordered new clothes for her and i and had them sent to our new home at Grahams. Mother couldn't believe the wonders that humans evolved to, but she did say a lot of the worlds wealth was accumulated by theft, with the help of dark magick practitioners.

Father of course overheard this, he asks mother what she meant? She tells him over the years, I've listened to greedy men call upon people like me to help them gain their wealth. Mother went on to explain there was too many in the underworld willing to help for a price,

Father laughed, then replied, "ah, the old Faustian deal?"

Mother replied, "correct, it's magick you, I and our daughter can reverse and we will do once we're alone. We can take their money from them, we will put them in dire straits and if they try to gain further help, we can block their connections to the underworld. They'll try starting a war, a war to gain their wealth back, as there has been a precedent for this throughout the centuries, but we stopped them at every turn, sometimes stopping them, sometimes not, you only have to look at the last war, the Second World War. We failed there and that's because, a powerful demon helped, he was trying to vie for the attention of another powerful demon, he was crowned soon after. The men of this earth regained their wealth and it's been the same ever since. The gap between the rich and poor is astronomical. I cried watching the pain of human suffering during those times and I tried to help. I sadly failed though."

Akashia was pleasantly impressed by mothers involvement and how she promises to help in the future. The gods confirmed she was being truthful, she isn't lying and they should all learn to trust her. Father and our new family packed, father had one final request, to have a swim in the pool, mother has wanted to learn how to swim, if she succeeds they'll build one at Fathers.

Well that was a given as it turns out, mother can swim like a fish, so mother was getting her pool. I joined my parents in the pool, i hadn't swam before, but i soon got the hang of it, i was delighted to know my father would have one added to his home. Father said he would build it himself, he would buy all the tiles, he would procure them from a place that sell pre-used tiles, he knows someone that sells pumps and he can convert the pump to solar or wind power to heat it. He and mother planned to discuss how she felt about the climate change all the way down in the underworld too.

Mother explained that countless times that magick failed to keep nature out, her lair had been flooded on numerous occasions and it began around a thousand years ago. The same time father began keeping his records. Father, mother and I got out of the pool and we got dried and dressed for our journey to fathers house.

Father usually ran, but this time he booked a car, he made sure it was an electric model, he wouldn't get into a petrol or fuel driven car. Akashia and Fabia waved them off, it was a somber moment as they had come to enjoy mother's company as her stories of yesteryear made them smile and cry all at once. A new journey began for all of them.

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