Phase Two.

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I'd like to introduce myself, I'm Alyssa. I come from a long line of changing at our own will wolves. I'm here to discuss the plans for our future and that of former enemies. I'm worried about these plans, but this meeting should help quell my fears and the fears of some alphas worldwide. Finally meeting day has arrived, we realised we were glad to have added extra numbers as Phillip and Jenna would be coming too.

We arrived at the hotel the wolves were there, they dressed smartly, we all did, Henrik made us all lanyards with the title of our meeting and a banner for the conference room. The wolves were in the hotel restaurant taking full advantage of the free food, well free to them, it cost Fabia and i a lot of money. We fed before we left, we ate the vegan options that were available for graham and the others, it's actually quite delicious.

Although we ate a lot of vegan stuff since meeting Graham, but the hotel had amazing options. Graham of course couldn't help himself, he went on his rant about soy, how farmers that grow it are razing forests to the ground for it. The farmers use it to feed their cattle. We let the alphas enjoy their meals and asked that they be present in the conference room at 1:30pm, they were very punctual, they were extremely nice but a lot had worried look on their faces.

I took to the podium first to help quell their fears, they listened intently, then I handed the mic over to Graham, who brought with him slides of his findings, the plans for synthetic blood and to our surprise, they agreed with all Graham said. Graham asked if any of them wanted to add anything? They said they did, the alpha from the Canadian pack, stood up and his kin and their counterparts clapped, he was very liked by everyone.

The Canadian alpha Paul tells us all that he has been telling his people this for years. The response he got was mostly indifference given they are mortal and won't be around to see it, but as he pointed out, what about the future generations? It made them all pause for thought and he got a resounding applause from his kin. The alphas began putting their hands up one at a time, they began asking both Graham and Paul questions, really sensible and intelligent questions.

Don't misread me, I'm certainly not saying the wolves are stupid, far from it, there's an elitist view among the younger vampires, that wolves are 'rednecked, dumb hillbillies.' They both answered in a scientific and a non scientific way. Paul told the group that many of his family, over the years told him the world won't last any longer, if the world continues as it is.

The question of "what's the plan?" came up quite a few times, then Graham played the slides of things we had discussed. The alphas to our surprise agreed this would be the best arrangement, but they need to be sure humans don't ever hear they exist and that no vampire ever attacks a wolf again. The conference went better than expected, we expected a lot of resistance but we didn't get any except a little worry.

The alphas asked to see the legislation that's planned, they all had been given packs upon entering, they were advised to open it, they all read it, they looked at it and agreed with it. One other question popped up and it was from Alyssa.

Alyssa asked and she had a point, she asked, "what on earth are the witches doing? Isn't that their job?"

It usually is, but they have been busy doing what they can, they can only do so much. The humans started this, we will finish it. We asked the wolves if it's now the time to take our second step? The wolves told us to get on with it. We spent the rest of the day talking and mingling with the alphas, we then took ourselves and our friends back to our home. We told the alphas to enjoy the hotel's services and we will keep them updated. We sensed the wolves wanted their lineages to survive well into the future.

On our drive home Alyssa called, she told us that she had a conversation with the other alphas, there was a consensus among them that a body of wolves need to be made to work along side us, so they're kept in the loop. It was a great idea, we told her to create one, I also gave her an idea, to bring together her people and all the packs to become one, as the saying goes, "safety in numbers."

The wolves created a climate change network, made up of wolves from every continent, they will be given daily information on what is about to transpire. We agreed to meet at least once a week to discuss where we were, where they were in uniting their packs as one. Lizzy called us with exciting news, she had met with her friends of underground goths, they wish to be turned, they spread the word and those without children are happy to turn, those with kids will decide over the coming days and they'll get back to her.

The goths of course have families and it's been said they have spoke with them, they too are deciding. We know a lot of older people won't want to live forever, but people from twenty and up will definitely want to think about it. Lizzy told us that her friends are quite convincing, they have extremely understanding families and a lot too are worried about the world. When we looked at Graham's work, we knew the changes humans were making wasn't enough, solar power, wind power and hydropower.

It hasn't helped with a huge reduction in carbon emissions. Jenna called from London, she has an idea, she thinks that when the humans get to decide, that there'll be opposition and support. Jenna explained it like it was an election campaign, there will be groups of humans that'll support their cause and help with keeping the opposition that'll try spread hatred and propaganda against them. Jenna will encourage those that support them spread positive propaganda. We decided than that Jenna should lead that charge but in secrecy. Jenna can't be exposed, so she said that she could do all the work online. We contacted the wolves that have a body of alphas to oversee the plans, they're in agreement.

Jenna had Henrik create an anonymous forum, it would be for humans, wolves and the vampires. Henrik had software to collect IP addresses, from there he could track the humans, we spoke about the fact the site could be infiltrated. We took the names and Lizzy could cross reference those with the people she spoke with and their families. Henrik made it like a social media platform, the amount of humans that joined were in the thousands, Lizzy could tell from conversations who was real and who she recognised.

The site had a messenger type side, where people could contact the site owner to be turned. When a person wanted to be turned, we drew up a contract that they wanted to be turned to help, once they were turned, these people would now be under the control of myself and Fabia. We kept an eye on a group of people that asked to be turned but if we suspected they were just there to expose us, we would know it, they just wouldn't know it.

The institution was growing, we had people from across the planet wanting to join, we had a section for humans that didn't want to turn, but to be healed from illnesses, we agreed to this if they agreed to change their diets to veganism. Henrik's task was now too large to oversee alone, he had his girls help him. They had the software installed in their computers and tracked people just like their father. Lizzy was given the permission to turn the people that had completed a questionnaire and signed a contract. Sarah was given the task of healing people, again if they completed a questionnaire and signed a contract.

Finally step two was in force, we didn't see anything in regards to powerful people wanting to turn. We had Jenna keep an eye in Parliament, not one had mentioned anything. We agreed with the vampires and the wolves, that we will compel the rich and powerful to forget us and compel them to do better for the planet. Graham then came up with an idea, it's one we've used before, but this would be on a grander scale, that we could just compel the rich and powerful to completely disbelieve any stories about us, we could effectively run the world? They would just believe that they were doing it. Graham was right, we could compel them, we have the means. They wouldn't have any idea. We don't want to rule the world, but we could create a far better one.

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