A Prophetic Life.

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Arriving at the new home was terrifying for the couple, but it was the beginning of their new lives. They walked in with suitcases of the clothes that Henrik and Sandra bought, they unpacked and went to the stocked fridge and pantry, as much as they were grateful of Henrik's hospitality, they just wanted a meal for themselves and by themselves, until other guests would soon be in their lives.

Sandra had taught Fabia on how to make a sandwich, she laughed as it was called a 'sandwich'.

Fabia said, "when Sandra was teaching me how to make this, I thought how funny the word was, as if I was eating a sand-witch."

Akashia looks at her, "it's truly a strange time, but I love it. I know we will enjoy this new world. I look forward to the day we return to Hispania."

Fabia smiles, "indeed, the heat if we go south?"

The couple make a sandwich and sit in the heart of the kitchen, at the island on stools, staring into each other's eyes, knowing what the other was thinking. They had already chose their bedroom, the largest in the house, the house was bigger than they previously expected, it had six bedrooms, three at either side to the house, many bathrooms and a warmed indoor pool.

Akashia and Fabia ate their sandwiches and wandered their new home, they had already mastered the use of the phone, they called Callum, while on the phone with Callum showing him and his wife Valeria, the house, the doorbell rang,

Callum sniffed, "it's your brother and his boyfriend, wait while I let them in."

Callum walked to the door with the phone and said, "your sister is on the phone, she's been showing us her new pad, it's gorgeous, I can't wait to go over."

Mikeli takes the phone, then he asks, "let's look,"

Akashia walks around the house and shows him everything, he says, "two lucky ladies with a pool as well. How did you swing that?"

Akashia laughs and replies, "brother, it's all in the mind." Mikeli explains that he has never used mind compulsion to gain anything, he's worked for centuries for everything he's got, but he's not wealthy and that's how he likes his life.

Mikeli asks, "when do you want us over? I know Callum wants to go soon, as Valeria's parents are asking why he's not ageing? I also want you guys to have some quality time before we come?"

Akashia replies, "brother, you come anytime, we shall have quality time together."

Mikeli jokingly states, "it's a good job I've packed already and we've booked our tickets for Friday."

Akashia smiles, "I shall see you all on Friday, but put Callum on the phone quickly first."

Mikeli passed the phone back to Callum and Akashia gives him this order, "you're to visit Valeria's family in the night, you must compel them to forget you. This won't make them wonder anymore about you."

Callum replies, "message received." Akashia hangs up with them and takes Fabia's hand and leads her to the pool.

As the couple walk into the pool room, Akashia takes off her sandal and dips her toe in the water, she feels how warm it is, she takes Fabia by the hand, she slowly takes off her warm jumper, she undoes her bra, kissing her lips down to her navel, then she undoes the buttons of her jeans. Fabia soon begins to undress Akashia, the couple were soon naked and they walked down the steps of the shallow end, then they sat down and began kissing each other slowly, they began sliding up and down against each other and Akashia slides under the water and she begins sucking between Fabia's legs, Fabia was trembling as she hadn't felt these touches and feelings for thousands of years. The couple made love for hours in the pool, they got out, forgetting they never brought towels.

They walked naked through the house, they then walked up a flight of stairs, leading her to the bedroom, they soon lay on top of the bed, they began making love, with a ferocity that neither had felt in a long time. The bed soaked from the pool water, then the fluids they leaked from their tender and hard touches.

Fabia squeals in delight as her wife pleasured her, she was pleasured to the point of exhaustion. Fabia was exhausted, she got up and realised there was no other bedding to change the bed. The couple placed the wet bedding in an already installed dryer, it was pretty simple to use, it was just a button, the couple found towels that were used as a display item in the largest bathroom, they put the towels around each other and waited on the bedding to dry. The bedding was dried quickly, they put them back on, they slid off the towels and crawled onto the massive four poster bed, they brought with them a flask of blood, they had a few sips and snuggled into each other and fell asleep.

It was almost time for Callum and Mikeli's arrival, Fabia was truly a homemaker, she prepared their rooms. The couple had been shopping the day after they first woke up in their new home, they bought bedding and towels for Callum, Mikeli, Valeria and Jose. They wanted their guests to live in comfort, they have no idea on how long they planned on staying, but judging by the fact Valeria's parents were beginning to see that Callum wasn't ageing, even though he was to compel them to forget him, he didn't mention anything about Valeria, there's always a chance she would travel home to visit her parents.

Henrik gave the couple credit cards, to make repayments on them, he told them how to go to the bank that approved them, they were to compel them to add more credit and open an account to compel the clerk to add a couple of extra zeros to the account total. The cards of course were in Fabia and Akashia's names, they had documentation if asked, but with compelling the bank they could gain as much money they needed. Then it dawned on Akashia, she and Fabia had a lot of gold from Egypt.

It was buried on the island they slept in. Akashia called Henrik and asked him to have someone go and dig it up?

Henrik replied, "of course, I'll send a team immediately. Do you have a precise location and that it wasn't near to where you slept?"

Akashia laughs, "I'm not dumb, I knew one day there would be curious explorers on the island, it's buried north west to the house where we lived."

Henrik says this and it offends Akashia greatly, "you can just compel the bank to give you as much as you want?"

Akashia snaps at him, "that's being a thief, thievery causes karma, I would be pulled back by the gods for theft, the gold and jewels are worth a fortune, just find someone that would buy them, the gold and jewels were gifted to us by the queen of Egypt."

Henrik apologised profusely to Akashia, she told him that getting legal documents is one thing, but stealing is another. That she knows that bankers aren't the most trustworthy of people, but it wouldn't be their money they were taking. Henrik tells her that the team should be back in less than a week and he'll sell the jewels and gold.

Henrik knows that regular people would know how ancient the gold and jewels were, so he would need to sell them to someone in the community that buys ancient artifacts that vampires brought with them into the future. Henrik found the right person, he is willing to pay todays rate of inflation for priceless gold and jewels. Akashia is relieved, she and Fabia will have their own funds, it means they can live a prophetic life.

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