Hecate's Revenge.

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It's still me, Trina. The ladies have asked for my help to time travel back two thousand years, I guess I'm here until they kick me out, I am a demanding houseguest. Since the storytelling about the time travel, it's been a bone of contention between Fabia and Akashia. They have asked me to send them back home, during a specific date, a date they both remembered, the day they realised they loved each other.

I explained that it's tricky magick and that the couple wouldn't be able to interact or talk with anyone, they could have a front row seat to everything, they could leave signs of them being there, as i did, she marked an area near their former home, it's on a tree where Akashia and Fabia were ostracised to. Akashia in the beginning didn't want to travel back, but Fabia begged her to, as her mother would be alive around this point.

Fabia's mother was killed during a battle, when a small legion of Romans tried to take their land, they killed many, but they didn't succeed in getting the land as most of the Romans died and they retreated, they assumed taking that slice of land, would've been a cake walk. The Romans were sadly mistaken. I told the couple that i needed to prepare, it's a tricky spell with a lot of moving parts, i must fast, meditate and the couple need to start a ritual of their own, they must bathe in salt baths with white rose petals.

The couple begin their ritual, i am beginning mine, the couple are preparing for a long journey into the abyss.

Fabia takes the first bath, she then has a paranoia moment, she says to herself, "is this witch wanting to leave us back there? I'm not sure if this is paranoia, but something doesn't feel right."

Fabia gets out of the bath and communes with the gods, she is told by them that it's an unsafe way to get back there, but she is offering a gift, that is all. Fabia still doesn't believe the gods. Although she doesn't believe this to be a true gift she still wants to go. The worst thing that could happen, is she is left there but her whole family would be there.

The downside is they wouldn't have defeated the Romans yet and unable to communicate with anyone. Or was it the truth? The rituals were almost complete and in forty eight hours, they would be back to 38B.C. Fabia began to compose herself, gear herself up for it, Akashia who was reluctant at first, is the one most excited. I was finally ready, it's a huge spell and she needed all of my strength to send them both there and bring them back.

My deity has gave her some extra strength for the journey, the danger is if the spell overwhelms her, she could die. The spell can work for one person, but it can be as twice as hard when there's two passengers. The gods have promised to be on hand to help if i can't hold the spell.

I had the ladies sit on their couch, i put soil of their homeland on their foreheads, their palms and their feet. I began the spell as the couple held each other's finger tips as they couldn't hold hands. It took the final word of the spell to make them completely disappear. A few moments later the couple woke in their home on the outskirts of their tribal land, it was a few miles walk, but they finally reached their territory, they could see themselves, they were sent by their mothers to fetch water from the stream, they were at that stream when they had their first kiss, it was their place to kiss and touch, but it wasn't until they were ostracised they actually made love.

Fabia began crying as she really wanted to reach out and touch her parents and her siblings. The couple were warned, they had twenty four hours at home, then they would be pulled back, in case anything happened to me, they would remain there and will die there of old age. The gods kept a steady flow of power going through me.

Fabia suddenly said, "this isn't to trap us, this is Trina's way to gain the gods gifts."

Akashia replies, "let's just enjoy the twenty four hours, then we go back."

Fabia replies, "baby, you know when I get a feeling something isn't right, it usually isn't."

Akashia thinks for a moment, then it hits her. Akashia says, "we've spent enough time around supernatural beings long enough to know, twenty four hours is enough time for Trina to sap us of their powers, it's for her deity. We need to go back, we need to go back now."

I didn't know this, but they would have access to the gods of yesteryear, they would listen to them. They say their goodbyes to people that couldn't hear them, then head to their stone circle. They get the gods to listen and the gods stop the power and the couple are back in their living room. They were right, I wasn't being completely honest with them.

The gods would now have a psychic connection to me, they would find me. They needed to before i handed over all that power to my deity, a deity worshipped by some Romans, this was my plan the entire time. This would mean was i going to go back to Roman times to help them get what they wanted. The gods found me, they gave Akashia the permission to kill me. Akashia sent someone else instead, someone that i wouldn't see coming, she sent Graham, he flew to my home, i was in a deep trance in connection to my deity, Graham killed me, they just have to wait until they discover if my deity got all the powers.

The deity was furious, she was named Hecate, she never got the full power, so she was unable to complete her own spell she was carrying out in her realm. Hecate was once very powerful, but over the years, the amount of failed sacrifices to her diminished her strength. Hecate was even around during Ancient Rome, helping the Romans, not because she wanted them to succeed, but the more people that prayed to her, the more Roman soldiers died, the more powerful she became, her powers wavered when Akashia and Fabia came along, they wanted their gods to help hold back the Roman Empire from spreading.

The witches of those times were selfish, they just wanted power. Hecate gave them what they needed, but for her own selfish needs, that need was to be back on earth. Hecate story was sad, she was a witch, with a powerful family behind her, since her witnessing the abduction of Persephone's daughter, her niece, she went to the dark underworld in search for her, but when she returned, her family no longer recognised her, she was banished to history books as an evil goddess of darkness. The truth was, she wasn't evil but very misunderstood, she had great power and many used her, many used the gifts she gave them for nothing in return. Hecate then hatched a plan when the Strix got a foothold on earth in the form of Akashia and Fabia, she was heartbroken, she just wanted to have the same privilege. The gods know Hecate, they know she would've created havoc on earth to undo the good already being done. The gods swore to Akashia and Fabia that they wouldn't punish her for trying to use them, but she will have her powers stripped until she can learn how to control her darkness, until then she is banished once more.

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