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Y/n's POV

I rolled out of bed and went down stairs. There sitting at the counter was Kenny. He look disappointed "Why so sad?" I asked him. "Mom said she's going to be gone on a Business trip for a few weeks," Kenny replied. "Really? Again?" I question. "Yup, like always," he exclaimed, " well she at least left us breakfast, also we got to get to school" kenny said in a rush. "Oh yeah!" I said. We both ran out the door heading to our bus stop. I checked my phone to see was my schedule for the day and so did Kenny. "First block is science, you?" "Oh I have Math..." I said dissatisfied. "Well what do you have for block two?" He asked. "Science." I replied. "Dang," he finished.

We finally got to the bus stop. As we we're waiting Kenny put on his headphones and started dancing. I didn't want to say anything so I just sat on the bench pretending I haven't noticed. The bus pulled up. I saw the instant laughters threw the windows. I felt guilty. I knew this would happen, but I couldn't do anything. He looked up at the bus and instantly took off his headphones. He looked down and walked on the bus, I followed. All eyes were on Kenny, people were laughing like a bunch of pathetic useless people. I kept on walking till I heard someone say, " I think it's called trying not to shit my pants dance." I looked to my right and saw The kid who said it laughing with his friends. I took the opportunity and stomped on his foot. He instantly jumped back and started holding his foot. I walked away giving him a dirty look and went to go sit beside Kenny. "I'm so sorry Kenny, I think your moves are cool," I said to him." He put on a slight smile but then looked out the window.

Anthony's POV

We got to our last stop and there we saw some kid dancing. Of course , if you do something like that you'll get made fun of. So we started to make fun of him as he got on. we were joking around till I said " I think it's called the trying not to shit my pants dance," seconds later somone stopped on my foot. I looked up and it was this pretty girl with brown hair. I continue to make eye contact with her until she sat down. Then I just looked down and didn't say much for the rest of the ride to school.

Y/n's POV

We finally arrived at the school and got out of the bus. We went into the school early to get our schedules. We found the office and got all the information we needed. We had 15 minutes before our classes start so we just hung out. Kenny had to go use the washroom so I just went on my phone. All was good until I saw the same guy that was bullying Kenny came up to me. "what do you want," I said. "Uhm I just wanted to say hi, my name is Anthony, what's yours?" "Im Y/n" "nice to meet you Y/n, uhm so Ik things got out of hand on the bus and I would not just like to say I'm sorry." I looked behind him and I didn't see his friends. I think he was actually apologizing. I said "It's ok, but you should apologize to Kenny," "I'm working on that... Uhm what do you have 1st block?" "Math," " oh same! Maybe I can take you there," "Oh Uhm sure!" I replied. I knew leaving Kenny would be rude but someone was actually talking to me. And I don't want to be rude to the boy.


This is one of my first stories so sorry if there's any spelling mistakes or anything like that. I hope you like it, also I will try to post at least once a day

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