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(I'm kinda switching up the story)

Y/n's POV

The next day~

I quickly got up and got ready. I woke up Kenny and went downstairs. I threw a bagel in the toaster and packed my bags. I looked up to see Kenny sitting at the counter looking upset.
Y/n: why so upset?
He ignored me and continued to stare down a the counter.
Y/n: if you won't tell me things won't get better.
He looked up at me with a upset face and spoke.
Kenny: don't you know?
I looked at him confused.
Y/n: uh no?
Kenny: last night. I heard you.
I looked at him with a pale face.
Y/n: oh...
Kenny: I thought this was just a temporary thing.
Y/n: what do you mean?
Kenny: your plan? Earn Anthony's trust. Trick him. And the have revenge. Learn to defend ourselves with Miyagi do.
I looked at him with a stare.
Y/n: how could you think that?
Kenny: I thought that was the plan but no. You betrayed me!
Y/n: I'm so sorry that I actually might be happy after dad and mom died!
I yelled while tearing up.
I gave him a straight face.
Y/n: if you have a problem with how things are turning out then leave us alone. Including Lia.
He scoffed.
Kenny: oh you didn't know? Lia knew about now my plan.
I looked down and then back up.
The bagel in the toaster popped up. Making the room silent. I took a bagel and threw it at him. I took my bags and ran out.

Time skip.

I arrived at Anthony's after walking a few blocks. I knocked and the Daniel opened the door.
Daniel: you must be y/n!
I nodded and smiled.
Daniel: come on in!
I walked in to be greeted by Anthony's mom.
Amanda: have you had breakfast y/n?
Y/n: oh, no. I haven't.
Amanda: perfect. We were just about to sit down for breakfast. Come join us.
I smiled and walked over to their dinner table. I saw Anthony and his sister. I sat next to Anthony. I grabbed some food and began to eat.
Daniel: weren't there supposed to be two other kids joining us?
Anthony: oh yeah... y/n where is Kenny?
Y/n: oh he's not feeling well.
Daniel: oh that's ok. He can join us next time.
Daniel: um how about the other kid.
Anthony: I texted her but she hasn't replied. She probably won't come. Y/n has she texted you?
Y/n: no...
Daniel: well I guess it's just the two of you!
Y/n: we will talk about what happened to them later...
I said as I whispered to him.

Time skip.

Anthony's dad walked us to this nice dojo.
Daniel: The other students will come in the afternoon so let's get you guys ready to train with them.
She walked us out back to the parking lot. My eyes widened.
Y/n: my dad taught me this first lesson!
Anthony looked at me and raised eyebrow.
Daniel: your dad taught you this?
Y/n: yeah. I'm pretty sure it teaches you wax on wax off. He got taught by this guy. I think his name start with M.
Daniel looked at me and smiled.
Daniel: Mr. Miyagi.
Y/n: oh, yeah!
Daniel: I always wondered if Mr. Miyagi ever taught anyone else in his years.
With a big smile he continued.
Daniel: well now you can teach Anthony while I go to the dealership to help out with his mom.
I nodded and smiled.
Y/n: yes sensei.
He grinned and walked away. Anthony looked at me and looked back to the direction his dad walked away from.
Anthony: that was, wow.
I shrugged and picked up the cleaning supplies. I started to give a demonstration on how to do it.
Y/n: ok now you try.
when I looked at him he was on his phone.
Y/n: are you going to help.
Anthony: I don't plan on it? Anyway can you tell me what's going on with Kenny and Lia.
He looked up at me.
I scoffed.
Y/n: if you help me with this, I'll tell you.
He sighed and put down his phone.
Y/n: finally!
As he got the hang of it I started to explain to him about everything.
Anthony: omg those traitors!
Y/n: I know! I wouldn't be surprised if they teamed up with cobra Kai.
Anthony: what? you know about cobra Kai?
Y/n: of corse? And the allvally. I'm very educated.
Anthony: good, we will need that.

Im really excited to write the next few chapters. I hope you guys will like it! Also thank you for all the support you guys have been giving me I really appreciate it! Have a great day!!

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