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Y/n's POV

I woke up at 6:15 to the sound Kenny saying my name.

Kenny: Y/n wake up!!

I groaned and opened my eyes

Kenny: do you you hear there is a big party tonight and me and you were invited!

I could see Kenny was excited because it was his first party.

Kenny: the party starts at 8:00 o'clock so start getting ready!

I reach to my bedside table my phone and started scrolling through my messages. Most of them were just from Lia.


Lia: Y/N!
Lia: are you coming to the party?


Me: Kenny told me about it so Mabey?? Where is it? Tell me The details.
Lia: it's at this kids house. If you want I can aske Anthony to take us.
Me: oh Uhm sure.
Lia: also you might want to bring a date. I've been to these parties before and there's lots of "couple games".
Me: that's weird... but I don't know who to bring..
Lia: just wait and see.

I sit down my phone and started to get ready. Even though I probably won't have a date I might as well just go. I put on some baggy ripped jeans and a shirt. I put on a little bit of make up and did my hair. It was now 7:07. Me and Kenny waited downstairs and ate some food. We were just talking until I got a text.


Anthony: Hey y/n.. it's Anthony.
Me: oh hey. How did you get my number?
Anthony: Lia gave it to me..
Me: oh ok.
Anthony: my sister said she would drive me and if you want we could pick you up. Also lia and Kenny.
Me: that would be great thanks!
Anthony: also.. as friends do you wanna be my date?
Me: oh Uhm...
Anthony: you don't have to say yes.
Me: i'll be your date but only as friends.
Anthony: oh ok.

I put down my phone and smiled. Even though we're just friends it made me happy.

We waited for a while until I got a text from Anthony. He told us to come outside so we did just that. When I got into the car I got greeted by sam and Miguel. Next to me was Anthony and to my right was Kenny. To be honest it was kind of awkward sitting between the both of them but it was fine.

Anthony: y/n you look beautiful.
Me: thank you...

After that it was silent for the next few minutes. Until we got to lias house. Since there is no more seats we would all have to squeeze in the back. But it was OK because The party was a block away from lias house. We all squeezed together. I was very uncomfortable. I was practically sitting on Anthony and Kenny. We finally arrived at the house. I was exited it was my first house party. Kenny and Lia went off, leaving only me and Anthony.

Me: this house is huge!
Anthony: this kid has always been rich.
Me: that makes me wanna go check out what type of food this person has.
Anthony: let's go then!

Anthony's POV.

I was super exited. I can't believe she actually said yes. We walked to go see what type of food they had. There is quite a bit so we made ourselves plates and went to go sit down. Me and her were just sitting out on the couch watching these people dance. But I couldn't keep my eyes off her. She was stunning.

Y/n's POV

Things were starting to get boring so I asked him if he wanted to go dance.

Anthony: Uhm I can't dance..
Y/n: anyone can dance

I took his hand and pulled him up from the couch. Just than my favourite song came on.

Y/n: omg this is my favourite song

I started dancing and he sorta followed along. I was having fun. For once in awhile. I felt like he actually cared about me. For a second I slipped he caught me and then we made eye contact. We both moved in for a kiss. Then I felt ice cold water dripping down from my head. I turned around to see Kaya. The music slowly stopped. But then I snapped.


I threw the cup she used to pour the water on me at her and stormed out of the house. Anthony ran after me.

Anthony: Y/n wait!
Me: I won't wait! I'm going home. I'm going to train with your sister and dad tomorrow. BYE!

I will try to write more tomorrow as always. Also if you would like to see any characters that I have not added yet just lmk!!!! Have a good rest of your day!!

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