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Me and Kenny both were concerned on how this night would go.
Kenny: it will be alright. Just try and keep your Miyagi dos away from cobra Kai.
Y/n: same good for you.
Kenny: alright.
We soon heard a car pull up to the driveway. I peeked out the window and saw it was Anthony and them.
Y/n: I gotta go.
Can you wait to goodbye and I headed out. I got in the car.
Anthony: hey y/n!
Y/n: hey..
Anthony: everything alright?
Y/n: not quite..
Sam: what happened!?
I told them everything.
Sam: shit.
Miguel: they are gonna do something.
Sam: yeah. It would be best if we stay in the cars.
Y/n: you know what, let's not worry about it.
Sam: I guess we will try.

Kenny's POV

After y/n left lia shortly came.
Lia: are you ready to go?
Kenny: um yeah..
Lia: are you ok.
Kenny: oh um..
I told her everything.
Lia: that's the perfect time to get revenge.
Kenny: on who? What do you mean?
Lia: y/n! Or Anthony, or everyone of those Miyagi dos.
Kenny: why tho?
Lia: all of us cobrakai's have a bad past with them.
Kenny: can't we just have a good night without fighting?
Lia: i'm sorry to tell you this Kenny but we should do something.
I sighed.


we arrived at the drive in movie and got settled. We where all so bored in the car waiting for it to start until sam and Miguel smiled and then left the car. They close the doors and waved. I was kind of shocked. Then my face started to turn red.
Anthony: this is awkward...
Y/n: yeah...
We sat in silence until I just started talking. Then they started to be a big conversation. It was nice until I from the window I saw kenny carrying a bunch of stuff. I wanted to tell Anthony about how me and Kenny are getting along now but I was too scared to his reaction would be.
Y/n: hey I'm gonna go get some food.
Anthony: but Sam said we should stay in the car.
Y/n: i'll be fine.
I smiled and walked away. By the time I got close to Kenny I saw hawk and some other kids from my dojo picking on Kenny. Some thing was about to go down.

Hey guys I'm really sorry I haven't been able to post that much but I'll try to post at least twice a week.
Things have been really busy with school and all that. If I feel good enough to write another chapter I will tomorrow. And if you have any recommendations for me please comment them. Have a good day!!!

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