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Y/n's POV

We finally got to math. When I first got in I saw the teacher and they greeted me. "You must be y/n!" "Yea," I reapplied. "Nice to meet you! If you got all your stuff you could go sit next to Kaya back there," he said as pointing to Kaya. I walked to the back of the class and sat next to her. Everything was silent until she said " what's your deal?" "Uh what do you mean?" "I mean first you came in with Anthony talking to him, second you were looking at him all weird," "ok? What's your point," I snapped back
"my point is stay away from him or else!". I just looked at her, what she said was so stupid that I almost burst out laughing. Then quickly I heard a voice saying "give her a break Kaya,". Then to my left a girl with brown hair sat next to me. "Hi I'm lia, you must be the new girl, what's your name?" She said. "Y/n" " nice to meet you! I'm sorry about Kaya she's always like that to whoever looks at Anthony,". "Are they like dating or something?" I asked. She laughed, "haha, no." " Anthony's wouldn't want to date her or even talk to her, she just has a big crush on him.. i've been Friends with Anthony for quite a while I know him," " since you and Anthony look like friends that makes my friend to," I smiled at her and then we started our lesson.

We finished up class so I went to next block which is science. When I walked into science I saw Anthony. I went over to him and said " why weren't you in math class? I thought you said you had the class too but then you just left," " I skipped" "why?" " no reason, I guess I just needed a break," "Uhm ok" I said.

Anthony's POV

After block one was finished I went to science. Then I saw y/n come in. She started asking all these questions about why I was gone during block one. I just told her I skipped and took a break. I couldn't have told her about what really happened. While I was taking a break walking through the halls I saw Kenny. As soon as I saw him I went up to him and made a joke about what happened in the bus. " why do you bully me?" He said. "Because you're a loser" I replied. After I said that he had punched me in the face all of a sudden. I looked at him with a stare and then he started running. The bell had wrung and I knew I would have to go to class now. Which brings us to now.

Y/n's POV

when I asked him about where he had went he started to tell me these lies. How do I know this? Because, he's a terrible liar. I sat in class worrying about Kenny. I knew something happen to him or is going to happen to him.


It was after school and I went to the bus. When I got on I saw Kenny and went to go sit beside him. On my way to Kenny Anthony called me over. "Come sit with us y/n!!" I looked at him but I ignored him and just went to go sit next to Kenny.

Sorry for the short chapter, school just started and I have other stuff I have to do. I'll try to post another chapter tom. Have a good day bye!

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