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Y/n's POV

It was two days after the fight at the park happend. Kenny and I took a two day break from school to figure out what we should do about our problem. In the mean time lia and me have been chatting. She said that she doesn't talk to Anthony anymore because of what he did to me and Kenny, mostly Kenny. She also said that Anthony hasn't been at school. I've been confused. Did his parents find out? Does he feel bad? Does he have a plan for me and Kenny? To many thoughts.

After sitting in my room for a bit reading, I decided to go to Kenny's room. Their I saw him laying there looking at his bruises.

Me: Kenny are you ok?
Kenny: you have been asking me that for the last 2 days. I'm fine.
Me: ok, any ideas for the Anthony problem?
Kenny: Nope.

We stood their silently until I had an idea.

Me: What if we go back to school and do our plan there.
Kenny: well sure? What what are we going to do?
Me: So you know how You, me, Anthony and his friends have block 3 together... right?
Kenny: yeah...
Me: what if before the end of class I asked to go use the washroom. Then I go to the library because no one is there for that block. At the end of class you say some shit to Anthony that will make upset. Run out of the room to the library were I will be. Then we beat his ass.

Kenny smirked then nodded.


It was just at the end of block 3. Luckily lia had told Anthony I was back at school, so he had came back also. I had asked to go use the washroom as planned then headed of to the library.

Kenny's POV

It was finally the end of block three and I was ready. Y/n went out of the room. That was my cue. The bell just rang. So then I spotted Anthony walking out of the classroom. Meeting him in the hallway I bumped into him.

Anthony: watch where your going loser!
Kenny: oh sorry Lapusso.
Anthony: don't can me that!
Kenny: oh sorry I forgot you were so sensitive about that... lupusso...

As soon as I said that I started running. Then followed Anthony and his friends. I ran like the speed of light to the library. I took a turn at a corner which lead me to the library. I arrived oat the library and turned of the lights. I had a bout 10 seconds to hide.

Y/n's POV

I heard Kenny come in and turn off the lights. Then I heard Anthony and his friends enter the library. (Anthony and his friends made up)

Micheal: where is that little shit.
Anthony: spread out.

As a kid I went to karate lessons for a little bit so I kind of had an idea of what to do. In the meanwhile I took a book and started reading a little bit of it. 10 seconds in to reading I saw Jack coming towards me.

Jack: what are you doing here y/n?!
Me: oh I don't know just came here to read and beat your ass.
Jack: wha-

Before he got to finish I close the book and swung it across his head. He fell to the floor because of the pain. Then I just walked away to find another one of his friends in a different shelf area.
(I just made up his name bc I don't know his other friends name) ⬇️

Jacob: oh look it's Kenny's girlfriend.
Me: he's more like my brother you dumb ass.

I punched him in the face I need him in the stomach then ran away to find micheal. Instead he came up to me. I didn't say a word but just kicked him in the stomach. Then I went to the middle of the library where I saw Anthony.

Me: The best for last!

He looked over at me and started backing up

Me: your a sick person Anthony. I thought we were going to be friends but no. You chose to bully Kenny over being nice to us. Forget talking to me. Or any of the things you were planning to do..

Anthony: Y/N IM SORRY. I got carried away. I thought he liked you or something. And then I just got kinda jealous...

Me: We barely even talked? And he's more like my brother!

To be honest I felt bad for what I was about to do. He backed into a table and fell on top of it. He was practically laying on the table. I walked up to hit and was just about to hit him until he randomly pulled me in to kiss me.

Anthony's POV

She was coming at me I fell on the table but it was to late to get up. Y/n walked up to me and was about to hit me but I kissed her. It was the only thing I could think of to make her not hit me.

Y/n's POV

Our kiss lasted 3 seconds until I pulled away. I didn't know what to say so just studdered. Then I looked back and saw Kenny. He said nothing either. It was not long until he sprinted out the door. I looked at Anthony and just ran after Kenny. I sprinted down the hall behind Kenny until he left the building. I left to following him until we made a stop...


I might add more tonight :) also if you don't like the storie or have any recommendations for me just let me know! Also this took me all most two hours to write so I hope you like it. Alsoooooooo I think I forgot to mention that they had just moved from a different city to this town. (I'm going to also try to start and include all the characters like Miguel, hawk, all the the larusso'S, Tory, Robby etc.)

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