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Y/n's POV

I was running after Kenny till we both made a stop.  We were at the end of our lawn witnessing a group of people banging at the door. I was in a rough mood so I went up to them.


Some girl with curly hair started walking towards me.

Sam: are you y/n?!
Me: yea? So are you gonna tell me what your problem is?!
Sam: you broke Anthony's heart. And I'm here to set things straight with you. And are you Kenny?
Kenny: Uhm I-

Kenny looked scared.

Sam: you have been bullying my brother. I'm going to set things straight with you too.
Me: what are you talking about? Anthony has been bullying and harassing us! And more of the less he broke my heart...
Sam: I don't believe you.
Me: Kenny show her the scars

When Kenny showed her her eyes widened. I told them to come inside so I can explain everything to them.

Sam: can't believe Anthony would do anything like that.. I'm really sorry

I didn't reply. In the group of kids looked at each other and then this guy was a mohawk started talking

Eli: i'm not necessarily saying you need to beat up Sam's brother but you should maybe join Miyagi do.
Miguel: it would more help you defend from him and his friends if this happens again.
Me: I used to do karate, my dad taught me until he passed away.

They all look down.

Sam: come train with us, and bring Kenny to. you need to build up your skills. We will pick you up tomorrow for your first lesson.

I put on a little smile and everyone started smiling.


Kenny and I hadn't had much time to talk. We have been giving each other the silent treatment for the whole day. I truly felt bad so I decided to speak up while we we're at lunch. It was just me and him at a table so it was the perfect time.

Me: kenny, do you know what happened yesterday with me and Anthony wasn't my fault. He pulled me in.
Kenny: it's ok. I believe you and I don't wanna fight.

I smiled at him and he smiled back. A few minutes later lia walked in. I saw Kenny looking at her. I knew he liked her. So I helped him out. Hi called lia over to come sit with us. Kenny looked at me and his eyes widened with excitement. He mouthed me a thank you. Lia came to sit with us. She sat next to me. I obviously had to leave to help Kenny even more with this to I did.

Me: hey guys I'm just going to go use the washroom and go check my schedule.

They waved me a goodbye and I went off. As I was gone I just roamed the halls until I heard something on the intercom

"Y/n L/n & Anthony Larusso please come down to the office immediately"

My heart raced. Had one of Anthony's friends snitched on me? Will I be suspended? Will Kenny's mom find out about this? All these questions flooded my head while I walked down to the office. As soon as I entered I saw Anthony already sitting there. He eyed me as I walked in I sat in the seat across from him. My heart was still racing like crazy. We sat their for 2 minutes until the principle called us in.

Principal: do you guys know why you're here?

We both shook our heads. Even I had an idea I still shook my head.

Principal: Well, one of the teachers heard some shouting coming from the library during block three. So we went to turn on the cameras and saw you two kissing.

Me and Anthony looked at each other and looked back at our principal.

Principal: now you both are not in trouble. The reason I wanted to talk to you guys about this is because my duty as a principle is to ensure you to when is appropriate to do this stuff.

My face turned red. I tried to hide my face with my hair but I was shaking a lot.

Our principal went over how kissing during class time is inappropriate. And all that stupid stuff. In my old school if I did this they wouldn't give a shit. My full attention to her was lost until she finished.

Principal: now I know my students relationships are really important so you have the option to go talk it out in one of the rooms alone.

What she said shocked me. I looked at him and he looked back at me.

Anthony: that would be a good idea.

I looked at him a mad face and then rolled my eyes. She brought us into a room and close the door. It was really awkward and silent until he broke the silence.

Anthony: look y/n, I'm really sorry. I did stupid stuff to fit in with my friends. I promise if you accept my apology I will leave Kenny alone. I promise...

Without a word I just nodded. I was surprised, but I trusted him.

Me: Mabye let's start by being friends again...

He smiled.


I was sitting at lunch until I hear Anthony's name on the intercom. So I decided to go too. I saw him and that girl in the office heading into the principals office. After the door shut I went and listened. I heard the whole thing. After they had came out and went to a different room I ran to the security camera room. I found the clip where they kissed I recorded it and saved it to my phone. Y/n was up for a treat.

What do we think about two chapters in a day? I'm going to make more chapters tomorrow. Have a good day :)

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