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Y/n's pov

I walked over to all of them. Miguel was wright, something was going to happen. i approached them.

Y/n: hey guys um whats going on here?

I was trying to avoid causing anything because I don't want to be the cause of this.

Hawk: we where about to beat his ass.

He chuckled.

Y/n: are you sure we need to do this?

Hawk: What? are you on their side now?

Y/n: no its just-

I was cut off by tori's voice.

Tori: Dont make me start somthing with you L/n.

Sam, Miguel, Anthony and the rest on our dojo came. Some of the kids from cobra kia followed on the opposite side.

Sam: dont talk to her like that!

Tori: or what?

Y/n: Or else ill beat you ass!

I heard a voice raise behind Tori.

Robbie: you better watch your mou-

Y/n: robbie!?

my eyes watered up. Me and Robbie were best friends. if not practically brother and sister. thats was made me and johnny closer, because of Robbie and I friend ship. He sadly had to leave me when i turned ten. It wasn't our faults though, it was his moms. I had never seen johnny so upset. Shortly after that me and johnny got closer after that. He treated me like his own child even though i had a dad.


Everyone started to argue. Robbie and me just looked at each other until he joined the argument most likely defending that girl. I just listened not knowing what to say or do until Lia took it upon herself to punch me. Everyone stopped talking.

Robbie, Kenny, Anthony: DON'T TOUCH HER LIKE THAT!

They all looked at each other. Then thats when the fight took place.

I looked up at Lia with blood coming from my lip and nose. I looked up at her with a smile on my face.

Y/n: looks like someone learnt to fight.

Lia: I also learnt how to kiss your brother.

She smiled.

Y/n: gross.

Right then i punched her directly in the face. the i kicked her in the stomach making her fall to the ground. I gave her a smile, about to go in for another punch until the cops pulled up. they got out of the car starting to break up some of the fights. Anthony ran up to me and pulled me up and started to run, I Followed him. As we ran the last few words where handed between Robbie and Miguel.

HI EVERYONE!! Im happy to say that im writhing again. im going to be starting to write more and finish of this part of the storie. When season five comes out ill write about that sorta section. AND THANK YOU FOR 18.5k READS!!!!! also if you are interested in me writhing about some other tv shows i can. Im into - The Umbrella Academy, Stranger things, Maze runner and alot more. Enjoy!!

Anthony LaRusso x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now