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(There's a very small plot twist in this chapter)

A few hours later


Me and Anthony finished our work. We waited around for Daniel to come back.
Y/n: I really don't feel like waiting. Let's go do the other tasks.
Anthony looked shocked.
Anthony: there more?!
I nodded and went of to go look for paint. As wee looked around the outside of the yard.
Soon after are search had started Daniel came toward us.
Daniel: what are you doing?
Me and Anthony jumped.
Y/n: oh sorry Mr. LaRusso, we were looking for paint for the fence.
Daniel: for the fenc- you know what how about you guys go just join the others.
Y/n: what about everything else? How will Anthony learn?
Daniel: My mistake, Anthony with come with me.
Y/n, I think your ready.
I smirked and then ran of to the others.

Anthony's POV

After Y/n ran off I looked at my dad with a stern look.
Anthony: you really had to do that?!
Daniel: do what? Send y/n off? She's ready!
Anthony: yea! I was having fun spending time with her!
Daniel chuckled.
Daniel: you will had time for her later ok.
I side and went to go do my work.


I ran over to Sam and greeted her.
Sam: omg hey y/n! You made it!
I smiled.
Sam: where is Anthony? And Kenny, also the other girl?
Y/n: Kenny and Lia bailed, and Anthony is with your dad.
Sam nodded. We where just stretching along with the others. Then I heard a loud voice from behind me.
Everyone slowly got up.
Johnny: since Daniel is out with that newbie i'll be training you today. Or at least he gets back.
As I was still getting up from stretching I saw his face. My heart instantly dropped. Then the smile spread across my face.
he looks straight back at me. Johnny was my dad's best friend. But after college have ended. They were once enemies until they somehow made up for it. After that they just became really great friends. Johnny didn't know my father was taught by Miyagi. the only thing that brought them to fight was him being friends with Ali. He has always been my life until he completely left when my parents died.
Johnny: y/n!
I ran up to him and hugged him.
Y/n: where have you been. You technically ghosted me after what happened...
Johnny: I-
He got cut off by Danielle coming in with Anthony
Daniel: Anthony is a quick learner. Are we ready to start?
Everyone nodded. I looked at Johnny and went back to stand next to sam and Anthony.
Daniel: all right then. Miyagi do's come with
Sam followed so I did too. I had one more glance at Johnny before I went off.


Me and Anthony were heading out and back to his house.
Y/n: I'm surprised your a "fast learner"
We both laughed.
Y/n: oh I should probably go back to my house.
Anthony: oh ok.

Sorry for the short chapter. Have a good day!!!!!!

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