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Y/n's POV

After reading I turned my book to face down and got ready for bed. I got into bed and attempted to got to sleep. After a bit I heard a buzz from my phone. I thought to my self, no one texts me this late. Mabye it could be Kenny's mom. I checked but it was only Anthony. I put down my phone and went back to bed. After that I heard another buzz. I side and picked up my phone.


Anthony: I'm really nervous for tomorrow, like going to my dads dojo. There is a bunch of kids there that might make fun of me. Since you know karate can you teach me some moves???
Anthony: Y/n????
Me: sure.
Anthony: ok coming over rn.
Me: wait what?

I looked at my phone in shock. If Kenny found out I was having a boy come over this late he would tell his mom. And I could get thrown out or something. But I wanted him to come. For some reason. I quickly got ready. I didn't want him to see me I'm my pjs.

Five minutes went bye. Just then I heard a knock on my window. I small smile spreaded across my face. I opened my window and he came in.

Anthony: you ready?
Me:Uhm yea?...
Me: how about I'll slowly throw punches and you block them ok?

He nodded and then I threw my first punch it went on for 30 seconds till we moved on to kicks.

It's been 15 minutes and we have been having fun. Finally we decided to shortly spare. We began to fight until he hit me in the face. I fell to the ground.

Anthony: sorry y/n! Here let me help.

He leaned down to help me up but then I pulled him to the ground flippedd him over and now I was on top of him ( not in a weird way ).

Me: got ya

His scoffed and then flipped me over.

Me: not so bad Lapusso

Without a word he kissed me. I stared to blush. We were still kissing. It felt better than the first time. We slowly stopped. We both got up. He made a small glance away but then I cuffed his cheek and then kissed him again. Shortly the kiss ended. Anthony had a huge smile across his face also blushing. Still smiling, he stepped through the window.

Anthony: see you tomorrow
Me: see you

We both waved goodbye. I plopped on my bed. I felt a billion butterfly's in my stomach. I closed my window and blinds and slowly going to bed. I couldn't stop smiling. I could dream of it over and over again. Tonight was just perfect. ~

Sorry these chapters have been kind of short lately. My sister has Covid and I'm getting a little sick so I have been taking time for my self. Have a great day!!
By the way I'm sorry for any spelling mistakes 💀

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